Slow Motion Walter · @thermous
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Early birthday present from my spouse!

I knew Erik Darling's fine banjo playing from the Kossoy Sisters' 'Bowling Green' LP (you've ever watched 'O Brother, Where Art Thou', you'd recognize the Kossoy sisters/Erik Darling's haunting version of "I'll Fly Away" as featured in the film itself. (The soundtrack album had a different version by Allison Krauss and Gillian Welch)

I was not familiar with Ed McCurdy. Based on the subject matter I was expecting a 'high lonesome' type voice, so his mellifluous baritone was a little bit jarring.

#vinyl #rekkids #nowplaying #erikdarling #edmccurdy #banjo #folkscare #folk #oldtime #murderballads

Last updated 4 years ago