“A leader can only lead the group from within the group. It is within the group that the leader can come to understand what the group’s goal(s) means to each member of the group. It is within the group that the leader can determine the varying interests of the group members and harmonize any conflicting interests through two‐way communication. Only from within can they reconcile these interests to the group’s goal(s).” — Mary P. #Follett, "The New State", 1920
#facilitation #leadership #quotes
#follett #facilitation #leadership #quotes
“This is the most important word, not only for
business relations, but for all human relations:
not to adapt ourselves to a situation — we are
all more necessary to the world than that;
neither to mold a situation to OUR liking — we
are all, or rather each, of too little importance
to the world for that; but to take account of
that reciprocal adjustment, that interactive
behavior between the situation and ourselves
which means a change in both the situation
and ourselves.” — Mary P. #Follett
"Common #purpose serves as an invisible leader.“
— Mary P. #Follett #facilitation #governance #quotes #ethics @ethics
#purpose #follett #facilitation #governance #quotes #ethics
“The most successful leader of
all is the one who sees another
picture not yet actualized.”
Mary Parker #Follett
#decisionMaking #powerSharing #facilitation #Agile #cooperation #governance #leadership
#follett #decisionmaking #powersharing #facilitation #agile #cooperation #governance #leadership
“The most successful leader of
all is the one who sees another
picture not yet actualized.”
Mary Parker #Follett
#decisionMaking #powerSharing #facilitation #Agile #cooperation #governance #leadership
#follett #decisionmaking #powersharing #facilitation #agile #cooperation #governance #leadership
“The most successful leader of
all is the one who sees another
picture not yet actualized.”
— Mary Parker #Follett
#decisionMaking #powerSharing #facilitation #Agile #cooperation #governance #leadership
#follett #decisionmaking #powersharing #facilitation #agile #cooperation #governance #leadership
In 2019, the #BetaCodex Network published two important research papers about #change & #transformation:
Paper 15: Secrets of Very Fast Organizational Transformation https://betacodex.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/BetaCodex-SecretsOfVFOT.pdf and
Paper 16: From Now to New, Right Here: Change-as Flipping
The two papers outline key concepts and theory behind the #OpenSpaceBeta approach, developed the previous year. They also mark a new era in #OrganizationalDevelopment: Away from planned change and #ChangeManagement, and towards "change work done together with all the willing". Both papers were written by our associates @silkehermann and @nielspflaeging.
#betacodex #VFOT #agile #lean #scrum #newwork #futureofleadership #orgdev #culturechange #newleadership #agility #teal #beyondbudgeting #workthesystem #follett #changeasflipping #ChangeLeadership #kotter
#betacodex #change #transformation #openspacebeta #organizationaldevelopment #changemanagement #vfot #agile #Lean #scrum #newwork #futureofleadership #orgdev #culturechange #newleadership #agility #teal #beyondbudgeting #workthesystem #follett #changeasflipping #changeleadership #kotter
#OrgPhysics in Follett's words –
a #BetaCodex white paper on Issuu:
#leadership #power #valuecreation #systemsthinking #follett #folletianism #agile #lean
#OrgPhysics #betacodex #leadership #power #valuecreation #systemsthinking #follett #folletianism #agile #Lean
“The most familiar example of integrating as the social process is when two or three people meet to #decide on some course of action, and separate with a purpose, a will, which was not possessed by anyone when he came to the meeting but is the result of the interweaving of all. In this true social process there takes place neither absorption nor #compromise.” Mary P. #Follett, 1924
#organizing #meta #decisionMaking 🧐#sharedGovernance 🏠#powerSharing #cooperation 🧱#orgDev 🧩#communityGovernance
#decide #compromise #follett #organizing #meta #decisionmaking #sharedgovernance #powersharing #cooperation #orgdev #CommunityGovernance
A bit of news about #FollettPublishing!
#follett #red42 #leadership #betacodex #decentralizerepeat #businessbook #businessbooks #newwork #newleadership #publisher #cellstructuredesign #agile #lean #scrum
#follettpublishing #follett #red42 #leadership #betacodex #decentralizerepeat #businessbook #businessbooks #newwork #newleadership #publisher #cellstructuredesign #agile #lean #scrum
The Follett Publishing web presence moved!
Check out our new page:
https://www.redforty2.com/follettpublishing #follett #follettpublishing #businessbooks #businessbook #betacodex #OrganizeForComplexity #EssaysOnBetaVol1 #cellstructuredesign #openspacebeta #red42 #leadership #orgdev #agile #lean #newwork
#follett #follettpublishing #businessbooks #businessbook #betacodex #organizeforcomplexity #essaysonbetavol1 #cellstructuredesign #openspacebeta #red42 #leadership #orgdev #agile #lean #newwork
Hi and thanks for commenting.
German connotation of the term #leader is not the matter here. It's not "my negativity" either.
History's greatest thinker on #leadership, Mary Follett, already talked about the matter of leaders/leading as being opposed to leadership in a similar fashion, about 100 years ago. And she was a Bostonian.
So thanks for tagging me as "probably too German."
Since #Follett's time, the abuse of the words leaders, leading, leadership has continued.
#leader #follett #leadership #betacodex
Have you seen this white paper on Follett?
https://betacodex.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/BetaCodex-InventionOfManagements.pdf #follett #betacodex
@provisionalidea @RuthMalan
Here is more about #Follett:
#betacodex #follettian
#follett #betacodex #follettian
In 20119 the #BetaCodex Network published two important white papers about #change and #transformation:
Paper 15: Secrets of Very Fast Organizational Transformation https://betacodex.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/BetaCodex-SecretsOfVFOT.pdf and
Paper 16: From Now to New, Right Here: Change-as Flipping
These papers outline key concepts and theory behind the #OpenSpaceBeta approach, developed the previous year. They also mark a new era in #OrganizationalDevelopment: Away from planned change and #ChangeManagement, and towards "change work, with all the willing". Both papers were written by our associates @silkehermann and @nielspflaeging
#betacodex #VFOT #agile #lean #scrum #newwork #futureofleadership #orgdev #culturechange #newleadership #agility #teal #beyondbudgeting #workthesystem #follett #changeasflipping #ChangeLeadership #kotter
#betacodex #change #transformation #openspacebeta #organizationaldevelopment #changemanagement #vfot #agile #Lean #scrum #newwork #futureofleadership #orgdev #culturechange #newleadership #agility #teal #beyondbudgeting #workthesystem #follett #changeasflipping #changeleadership #kotter
The #agile movement, by and large, has a history of ignoring history.
Here is an antidote:
#follett #folletianism #leadership #management #orgdev #agile #agility #agiletransformation #betacodex
#agile #follett #folletianism #leadership #management #orgdev #agility #agiletransformation #betacodex
The #agile movement, by and large, has a history of ignoring history.
Here is an antidote:
#follett #folletianism #leadership #management #orgdev #agile #agility #agiletransformation #betacodex
#agile #follett #folletianism #leadership #management #orgdev #agility #agiletransformation #betacodex
I discarded: #orgDev or #Agile or any #management.
I would like to offer likely-minded staff another way of working: not obeying. From what you wrote (after #Follett): we should take order from the situation, not from the supervisors.
The drawing below attempts to show our current way of handling tasks inserted into the command-and-control organisation. Tasks are not shown which might disturb the understanding 😞
#orgdev #agile #management #follett
@eric @BetaCodex Glad you enjoyed the #Follett paper. And I am happy that you shared the amazing Follett quote!