some more lovely people on Mastodon, thanks for following :
#NewFollowers #Newbie #Recommended #Recomendations #FollowFriday #FollowFridayEveryDay
#newfollowers #newbie #recommended #recomendations #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
some more lovely people on Mastodon, thanks for following :
#NewFollowers #Newbie #Recommended #Recomendations #FollowFriday #FollowFridayEveryDay
#newfollowers #newbie #recommended #recomendations #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
check out these great accounts, thanks for following :
#NewFollowers #Newbie #Recommended #Recomendations #FollowFriday #FollowFridayEveryDay
#newfollowers #newbie #recommended #recomendations #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
check out these great accounts, thanks for following :
#NewFollowers #Newbie #Recommended #Recomendations #FollowFriday #FollowFridayEveryDay
#newfollowers #newbie #recommended #recomendations #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
found some great people on here, thanks for following :
#NewFollowers #Newbie #Recommended #Recomendations #FollowFriday #FollowFridayEveryDay
#newfollowers #newbie #recommended #recomendations #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
It's great to find these people here, thanks for following :
#NewFollowers #Newbie #Recommended #Recomendations #FollowFriday #FollowFridayEveryDay
#newfollowers #newbie #recommended #recomendations #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
thanks for following, Happy New Year! :
#NewFollowers #Newbie #Recommended #Recomendations #FollowFriday #FollowFridayEveryDay
#newfollowers #newbie #recommended #recomendations #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
thanks for following, Happy New Year everyone :
#NewFollowers #Newbie #Recommended #Recomendations #FollowFriday #FollowFridayEveryDay
#newfollowers #newbie #recommended #recomendations #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
thanks for following, have a Merry Christmas everyone :
#NewFollowers #Newbie #Recommended #Recomendations #FollowFriday #FollowFridayEveryDay
#newfollowers #newbie #recommended #recomendations #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
#followfriday I am a bit late to #followfriday but I am new and learning this. #followfridayeveryday #followback #followbackfriday
#followfriday #followfridayeveryday #followback #followbackfriday
it's great to find these people here, thanks for following :
#newfollowers #followfriday #followfridayeveryday
Et je vois que @rafumab nous a rejoint donc je le poke direccc sur ce sujet (pouet du dessus) ^^
@Amersfoort En stiekem ook ee #followfriday zag ik, en #followfridayeveryday 😁
#followfridayeveryday #followfriday
I know it's not technically #followfriday #FF but my following list has completely exploded over the weekend as new folks have landed in record numbers, and I'm still seeing many people with barely any peers.
Remember, the absence of a recommendation algorithm means it os ON YOU to feed interesting sources into your timeline. If your timeline feels empty, please consider following these fine folks (in no particular order and guaranteed to be in complete):
And don't forget to eat your vegetables and follow @YourMom
#followfriday #ff #followfridayeveryday
J'ai vu passer des #followfridayeveryday à l'ancienne ça me remplit de joie.
Welcome ! Checkout this hashtags, or accounts:
Also, dont hesitate to check the global timeline, it's all the posts from other instances. Every now and then a wild gem of an account appears
#followfriday #followfridayeveryday
@uros_m obstaja tudi #ffed oziroma #FollowFridayEveryDay ki pa ga lahko interpretiraš tudi kot FollowFederated. Ampak fora je da ni treba da je petek. :blobcoffee: