I wonder if tags could be treated here as side information instead of always being provided and shown inline (like image descriptions)
The mastodon internal format already stores tags as structured fields, so limitation seems to be in the status posting function having no separate tags field.
Another option could be a convention in apps not to show tags at the end of a post inline, but hidden by default, or in their own list?
#thishashtagwouldbehidden #mastodonapi #followinghashtags
Hashtag following is great, but what to follow?
Top X lists are not so useful because mostly list always same tags (photography, news, etc.) and the tail is long because any tag name can be used.
Maybe I need a bot to highlight emerging tags. Also something like google trends for tags might be useful?
@MKSinSA Tried it on mobile safari and found the figure with the plus. Not sure I’m seeing the posts I should yet. We’ll see tomorrow. Thank you! #FollowingHashtags
@klewlis I just heard about following the hashtag, but I don't see a way to do that. Hmm. Let me try... Yes! Okay, I found out how. (For those not in the know, Search the #Hashtag you want to follow and hidden up at the top of the page [on this laptop] is a Person icon with a plus beside it, just like when a person follows you. You know what to do next.) #FollowingHashtags
@mymicha The 45 000 $ question... I guess limited to #followinghashtags in the #federatedtimeline ? which
would be a million miles away from following the #hashtag on all instances as the federated timeline is a small selection of the posts of the fediverse that happen to be followed by people on your home server....
#followinghashtags #federatedtimeline #hashtag
I've discovered the ability to follow hashtags! But is there a way to get the client to show a list of all the hashtags you're following?
#mastodon #usability #followinghashtags
well then. I followed a hashtag a few hours ago and when I fired up Mastodon I found 2 toots from folks I do *not* follow but *did* have that hashtag in their post.
I’ll go out on a limb here and declare the hashtag following thing works, at least via a browser.
#hashtag #follow #followinghashtags
I would lo follow people interested and posting content in #CellBiology #Biochemistry #Biophysics #Biomaterials #Bioethics #ResearchIntegrity #StemCells and #BiomedicalSciences in general. Also follow me as I also post information on these topics. #FollowBack #FollowFriday #followingHashtags
#cellbiology #biochemistry #biophysics #biomaterials #bioethics #researchintegrity #stemcells #biomedicalsciences #followback #followfriday #followinghashtags