@michaela relativ...
Da das :fediverse: keinerlei Algorhithmen nutzt, ist der eigene Feed organisch...
D.h. nur durch eigene #Followings und #Interaktionen wächst der Feed...
@KatM It' not a shame to not have a gazillion followers, but maybe only a few – if any.
Many new comers think and stress they have to immediately start to get an army of followers, to stay somewhat relevant.
Here one easily engage by participating on threads and publish (fedicast) by hashtags. Algos don't dictate one's appearance and diminish to a virtual pettiness.
@KatM That's a valid point. Albeit the case with more prominent people (celebs and such) always is, that they gather audience and overt attention, and may get occasionally engaged via that way.
Shitter in its thoughless algoism has gone simply too far, to make people to desperatly bait for reactions.
I personally follow mostly hashtags for now, to see issues I find interesting, rather than some same punch of people commenting on everything.
@ruthpozuelo @MiguelSmizSuarez
That would be @Luca ...
Another option would be to use #Selenium and manually scrape #followings from the #website...
#Website #followings #selenium
@MiguelSmizSuarez So I guess that's the last day one can use https://fedifinder.glitch.me to migrate all #followings from #Twitter to #Mastodon.
#Mastodon #Twitter #followings
#ProfilesDirectory would get more deserved attention if moved to...
#Explore -section, because it gets so easily unnoticed by novice mastodonians.
⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
#Mastodon #WhoToFollow #followings #features #featureWishes
#profilesdirectory #explore #mastodon #whotofollow #followings #features #featurewishes
It could be also possible to steadily #follow Local timelines of other instances within your account (and not just browsing from outside), IF an instance would not block Local timeline followings from elsewhere.
Some selective special instances would likely –and understandably– be more protective with their Local feeds.
#Mastodon #instances #features #featureWishes #followings #LocalTimeline #LocalTimelines
More about the topic in: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/6942
#follow #mastodon #instances #features #featurewishes #followings #localtimeline #localtimelines
It could be also possible to steadily #follow Local timelines of other instances within your account (and not just browseing from outside), IF an instance would allow it and not block followings from elsewhere.
Some selective special instances would likely –and understandably– be more protective with their Local feeds.
#Mastodon #instances #features #featureWishes #followings #LocalTimeline #LocalTimelines
More about the topic in: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/6942
#follow #mastodon #instances #features #featurewishes #followings #localtimeline #localtimelines
It should be also possible to steadily #follow Local timelines of other instances within your account (and not just browse from outside), IF an instance would allow it and not block followings from elsewhere.
Some selective special instances would likely –and understandably– be more protective with their Local feeds.
#Mastodon #instances #features #featureWishes #followings #LocalTimeline #LocalTimelines
More about the topic in: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/6942
#follow #mastodon #instances #features #featurewishes #followings #localtimeline #localtimelines
@Ciantic @arossp @robertwrighter That's a good suggestion! 👍
Showing public support to someone by following, but prefering to gather and direct his/her content into a list, for later reading/skimming. 🧐
Trendig #hashtags are one thing
and most followed hashtags another.
Therefore #WhatToFollow recommendations (and their compilations) could be based on just tag-followings of a user, instead of on specific list of that uses. When that list based procedure might suit better for account-recommendations. 🤔
#hashtags #whattofollow #mastodon #followings #featurewishes
If #Lists (or perhaps just one of your lists – if several) could be set to '#WhoToFollow' -recommendations and lists of hashtags would be shown as #WhatToFollow.
Such lists could be then also gathered, compiled and shown collectively as 'top recommendations' based on open & decent algos, which could e.g. measure the amounts of combined followers of recommenders.
#lists #whotofollow #whattofollow #mastodon #followings #features #featurewishes
A nice feature to filter one's followings in categories. Could be used as 'circles' (of former Google+, but one would first have to follow tons of accounts, to get them then categorise in more specified bubbles (#lists).
If there would be Home -bubble and then also other bubbles available (in the future), where one could set account/tag followings independently of one's other followings.
#lists #mastodon #features #homebubble #bubbles #followings
A nice feature to filter one's followings in categories. Could be used as 'circles' (of former Google+, but one would first have to follow tons of accounts, to get them then categorise in more specified bubbles (#lists).
If there would be Home -bubble and then addiotionally also other bubbles, where one could set own account/tag-followings despite.
#lists #mastodon #features #homebubble #bubbles #followings
An option to not show one's #followings #followers is a thoughtful feature.
I think many SoMe sapienses would feel fine to not advertise their "ranking" no. and just interact/visit without a "stress" of showing their RANKING NUMBER among other netizens.
Famous fediverseits would be also likely to appericiate such mode, at least at first as new users.
Younger people with still fragile egos and need to portray competence among their peers
#followings #followers #mastodon #features
The real question is:
Have I moved?
- Yes and No.
Yes in that the #Mastodon #MovingInstances functionality worked without any errors...
No in that all my #Followings are still here. Hello followings!
Did you know that you are all the accounts that I am following?
Wait a minute, I need to follow 1 more account now, what's it's name?
Oh yeah that account there on #somewhere.
#mastodon #movinginstances #followings #somewhere
Liebe Schwarmintelligenz, oder vielleicht eher Schwarmgedächtnis,
Ich hatte vor einigen Tagen einen Tröt zum #Import von #Followings ohne csv Datei gesehen. Finde die Info nicht mehr. Kann wer helfen? #mastodonmigration #mastodonhilfecommunity
#mastodonhilfecommunity #mastodonmigration #followings #import
Einfache Methode um auf #Mastodon 🐘auch jenen zu folgen, denen man auf Twitter folgt: https://fedifinder.glitch.me/
1) Mit Twitter dort einloggen
2) "scan #Followings" oder "scan #Follower" auswählen
3) Entweder manuell oder per CSV-Import der gefundenen Accounts auf Mastodon folgen
#mastodon #followings #follower
Est-ce que sur #Mastodon l'affichage par défaut des #abonnement (ou abonné-e-s) (lorsque non cachés) est aléatoire, de sorte que l'on ne puisse pas déduire les premiers historiques, qui révèlent souvent le réseau réel de relations ou vrais centres d'intérêt ?
Ici une capture d'écran de chez #Instagram.
#viePrivée #privacy #abos #following #followings #profilage #social #mastoDev #mastoFeature
#mastodon #abonnement #instagram #vieprivée #privacy #abos #following #followings #profilage #social #mastodev #mastofeature