Okay so I actually received this a while ago but executive (dys)function got the best of me. Regardless, I am STOKED about this game! Orpheus & Eurydice-based two player (GMless) ttrpg? Oh hell yes. I'm gonna play with @singjunebug and cry a lot.
#RPG #TTRPG #PBTA #FollowMeDown
#rpg #ttrpg #pbta #followmedown
Yesterday, I got to The Song of Orpheus chapter in the Sandman audiobook. Today, Follow Me Down arrived (it's a really intriguing two player RPG about Orpheus and Eurydice). Talk about accidental mood setting.
Saw this thing doing the #ttrpg rounds and thought I'd join in:
Last 5 played or GMd:
#Torg on an #Numenara rules frame
Next 5 I want to play or GM:
And always more #InvisibleSun
#ttrpg #dnd #shadowrun #invisiblesun #kidsonbikes #torg #bladesinthedark #therealthing #followmedown #mistbornadventuregame #eclipsephase #Numenara