mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm bitPickup · @bitpickup
3 followers · 350 posts · Server troet.cafe



on min 13:54 you express a incredible important misunderstanding!

only show's up when you choose in settings manual approbation of followers!

You find that in:

other wise your account approves automatically all follow requests.

in other words, tons of people are awaiting to follow you right now!


#feditips #followrequest

Last updated 2 years ago

@jondaria@mastodon.social user- hi. I am trying to send you a direct message but I cannot get the hang of this. So if you see this please send a follow request. I tried to figure out how to find your profile and send one. It didn't work. Hope you had a great holiday weekend even if all you did was work. If you didn't celebrate I hope that the money was good and the food plentiful and friends around. I wish I took a picture of my dinner but I didn't.
Oh well, I defo ate.

#friendrequest #followrequest

Last updated 2 years ago

Anagram Man :verified: · @ConserveLetters
298 followers · 249 posts · Server mstdn.social

I received this message asking me to approve a

It's nice to know this platform looks out for your best interest better than some *cough, cough* other platforms.

"Even though your account is not locked, the mstdn.social staff thought you might want to review follow requests from these accounts manually."

#SocialMedia #followrequest

Last updated 2 years ago

REDFELLAS · @Redfellas
0 followers · 1 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Can I get to some followers tonight?

#followbackfriday #followrequest #followfriday

Last updated 2 years ago

REDFELLAS · @redfellas
11 followers · 20 posts · Server universeodon.com
Leila G · @leilag
126 followers · 132 posts · Server universeodon.com

Can I get to 100 followers tonight?

#followbackfriday #followrequest #followfriday

Last updated 2 years ago

Anna GoAnna · @GoAnna888
1 followers · 2 posts · Server mastodon.au

Morning all...
Yeah, still figuring this out
No idea how to accept follow requests...

#help #followrequest

Last updated 2 years ago

John Ager · @john1954moi
174 followers · 461 posts · Server mas.to

I don't seem to be able to approve follow requests in the standard Mastodon app, I have to do it on the web version in a browser. Am I missing something?


Last updated 2 years ago

An alle, die mir schicken oder bereits geschickt haben und noch auf eine Antwort warten: Bitte schreibt doch etwas in Eure ​beschreibung und/oder setzt gerne einen - bzw. -Toot ab. Zeigt zumindest, dass Ihr die Absicht habt, dauerhaft hier zu interagieren.
Ich schaue immer mal wieder die geparkten Anfragen durch und nehme sie auch an, sobald sich auf Euren Accounts etwas tut. Danke sehr.

To all those who send me a or have already sent one and are still waiting for an answer: Please write something in your description and/or put an toot. Show St least that you intend to interact here permanently.
I'll check the parked requests every now and then and accept them as soon as something happens on your accounts. Thanks a lot.

A todos aquellos que me envíen una solicitud de seguimiendo o los que ya hayan enviado una y aún están esperando una respuesta mía: Por favor, escriban algo en la descripción de su y/o publiquen una . Demuestren que tienen al menos la intención de interactuar aquí de forma permanente.
Revisaré las peticiones aparcadas de vez en cuando y las aceptaré en cuanto ocurra algo en sus cuentas. Muchas gracias.

#Folgeanfragen #profil #Introduction #NeuHier #followrequest #profile #perfil #introducción

Last updated 2 years ago

Harry Smart · @Munross
201 followers · 242 posts · Server mastodon.scot

noticing some acceptances not going through easily at the moment, lot of '#404 record not found' messages. They usually do go through after a couple of attempts, but apologies if anyone's sent me one and not seen a response. I'm sure it's just growing pains.

btw. I'm following back everyone except people with no , no pic, or no posts. Please do take the time to do that stuff.

I'm enjoying that people seem to more automatically on here.

#followback #bio #server #error #followrequest

Last updated 2 years ago

Purpose_K · @k_purpose
134 followers · 1609 posts · Server post.lurk.org

Dear random follow requester: please have something in your bio, since I won't be able to see your toots. Also, please have some toots, especially an one, in case.

By "something in your bio" I don't mean "I just came here from twitter" or "Me acabo de caer del guindo". I mean some actual info about yourself.

Just be a person.

#BeAPerson #followrequest #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Fedi.Tips · @feditips
77402 followers · 2977 posts · Server mstdn.social

If you're screening your follow requests, it's probably not a good idea to reject or block someone just because their profile picture is empty.

There are many blind people on the Fediverse who don't use profile pictures. For example, the writer Robert Kingett at @blindscribe doesn't use one.

The most reliable way to screen accounts on here is just to read what they have posted, as this better reflects what kind of account they are.

#followrequests #followrequest #Fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Coffee · @Coffee
489 followers · 11259 posts · Server toot.cafe

Right, I see what you mean now.

In , there's no way to interact with the notification. All you can do is tap the profile picture, which takes you to their profile page, from where you can do nothing related to approving follow requests.

But when you have a , a new item shows up in the menu that wasn't there before. Rather unintuitive, but okay. Now I know.

#followrequest #fedilab

Last updated 4 years ago

‼️🔛@robbie@devs.live‼️ · @Alamantus
715 followers · 7362 posts · Server cybre.space

Hey fediverse! Who can I follow for >= occasional or or /#conlanging posts? I've got @allthingslinguistic already, but are there any other accounts either like that or just people who post about it that y'all can recommend?

#glossopoeia #followrequest #conlang #language #linguistics

Last updated 6 years ago