De anti’s sleuren er van alles bij. Wees niet zoals de anti’s, maar #followthescience
Nur zum #Gesellschaftsrat : Ein wie auch immer repräsentatives "Mini-Deutschland" würde die Positionen der #LastGen eher nicht teilen. Die Hoffnung ist offensichtlich, dass die wissenschaftliche Vorbereitung der Ratsmitglieder dies begradigt. Die Kognitionsforschung weiß schon lange, dass Fakten vorhandene Einstellungen verfestigen, nicht verändern. #FollowTheScience ?
#gesellschaftsrat #lastgen #followthescience
I just learned from a post by @DrPsyBuffy that the US state of Montana is trying to ban blood donations from vaccinated donors. Among the proponents are Republican representatives like “Lola Sheldon-Galloway, vice-chairwoman of the House Human Services Committee” who “repeated claims made in the film ‘Died Suddenly’ that were debunked prior to its release.” Or a certain “Jo Vilhauer from Miles City” who is cited as saying, “I’m one of many who believe in the God given right of medical freedom, which is having access to genetically unmodified blood during a time of need.”
“The God given right of medical freedom” would then very likely lead to a significant shortage: “‘Montana’s blood supply could be cut by up to 80%, leading to adverse patient outcomes including unnecessary and unconscionable death,’ said senior vice president of blood collection nonprofit Vitalant, Cliff Numark.”
Another serving of medieval superstition coming up — but remember, folks, people in the Middle Ages got to live around 50 years at the most: “(…) from the dates recorded below, the mean life expectancy for women was 43.6 years, with a median of 42/43; for men, it was a mean of 48.7 and a median of 48/49.” (Source:
Really wanna go back there?
Full article in the “Daily Montanan”:
Original post:
#VaccinationSavesLives #VaccinationDoesNotKill #FollowTheScience #PreventSuperstition
#vaccinationsaveslives #vaccinationdoesnotkill #followthescience #preventsuperstition
With hindsight, it is unfortunate that the gov "followed the science" (only?) when the science was wrong e.g. when "the establishment" (Witty &co) insisted that covid was only carried by touch and droplets.
Or - perhaps the gov "follows the science" only when it tells them what they want to hear - that protection could be left to the individual (wash your hands) - and the gov needed to do nothing (their preferred stance).
#covid #science #followTheScience
#covid #science #followthescience
⚡ 🎓 Sollten wir mehr auf die #Wissenschaft hören oder haben Expert*innen bereits viel zu viel Einfluss auf die #Politik? Wie hängen gesellschaftliche #Vielfalt, #Gerechtigkeit und Wissensqualität zusammen?
Auf einer Tagung in Brüssel präsentierte unsere Programmleitung Eva Krick ihre Forschungsergebnisse zu diesen Themen.
👉 Mehr:
| #Demokratie #IchbinHanna #IchbinReyhan #WissSystemFehler #Vielfalt #FollowTheScience #Bildungsreform
#wissenschaft #politik #vielfalt #gerechtigkeit #demokratie #IchbinHanna #ichbinreyhan #wisssystemfehler #followthescience #bildungsreform
We're 95% there!
To help support our survey of AM fungi across Australia we've launched a crowdfunding campaign.
Check it out!
#followthescience #mycorrhizaforthewin
#followthescience #mycorrhizaforthewin
@petemcgrath @plazma these #followthescience believers have gone beyond being simply misguided. While the general public is susceptible to propaganda past a certain point it comes down to personal responsibility.
Don't JUST #FollowTheScience ... #TrustTheScience and their #BigPharma bffs... 🤣
"Six kinds of first aid kits sold under three brand names, including the CVS store brand, have been recalled because they include Easy Care AfterBurn Cream. FDA testing found microbial contamination"
Ps. REAL Science doesn't trust itself, and neither should YOU.
#followthescience #trustthescience #bigpharma
Don,t JUST #FollowTheScience ... #TrustTheScience and their #BigPharma bffs... 🤣
"Six kinds of first aid kits sold under three brand names, including the CVS store brand, have been recalled because they include Easy Care AfterBurn Cream. FDA testing found microbial contamination"
Ps. REAL Science doesn't trust itself, and neither should YOU.
#followthescience #trustthescience #bigpharma
What do #climatedoomers & #climatedeniers have in common?
They don’t #followthescience.
However, doomers may help their tragic vision come true, while deniers never will.
#followthescience #ClimateDeniers #climatedoomers
Dringende Leseempfehlung (€) - „#FollowtheScience “ bedeutet, das in Deutschland vorhandenes nichtkonventionelles #Erdgas schnellstmöglich gefördert werden sollte. „Aberwitzig“ sind die Vorbehalte ohne wissenschaftliche Grundlage. #Energie #Fracking
#followthescience #Erdgas #Energie #fracking
Seems that introductions are the way to go.
Briefly: Liz. Female. Queer. Way too old. Hobby photographer and photo manipulator. Political junkie. Follows the science. Vegan. A Brit, but also a Canadian. Atheist, but believes cats are gods. Avid reader.
#photography #FollowTheScience #vegan #cats #LGBTQ2S+ #books #fiction
#photography #followthescience #vegan #cats #LGBTQ2S #books #fiction
Ok, so let me try this again… looking for my Bird tribe! 😬 😷🦠
#CovidIsNotOver #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #n95 #vaccinate #ventilate #followthescience #corsirosenthalbox #LongCovid #covidisairborne
I’ve learned so much over at the Bird farm and would like to continue that trend. Because it might have helped save my life…
#CovidIsNotOver #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #n95 #vaccinate #ventilate #followthescience #corsirosenthalbox #LongCovid #COVIDisAirborne
@Hikik0m0ri_ why hear out someone with a PhD!? I'm baffled by this #followthescience nonsense. It's no "science" I ever learned. More applicable would be to #followthemoney as any MEDICAL ethicist would, or should, be saying!
#followthescience #followthemoney
@florianaigner #Methan ist EXTREM viel klimaschädlicher als CO2! Gemäß aktuellen Werten des @IPCC_CH 30* gerechnet auf 100 Jahre, 82,5* gerechnet auf 20 Jahre.
Gente che fa lezioni di inglese a sproposito, ignorando che non esiste il nucleare solo "civile": ogni centrale nucleare introduce "nuclear weapons proliferation concerns" perché l'uranio non è intrinsecamente "civile". Non lo dico io, lo dice IPCC. #FollowTheScience #NoNuke
RT @Arnd_Diringer: Prof. Christiane Nüsslein erklärt in dem👇@EMMA_Magazin-Interview warum es nur zwei Geschlechter gibt.
Man darf gespannt sein, wer der Biologin und Nobelpreisträgerin nun so alles vorwerfen wird, dass sie keine Ahnung von Biologie habe.