so ein Verhalten wäre mir relativ egal.
Ich kenne die Beweggründe ja nicht und kann deswegen auch nicht nachvollziehen was diesen Menschen zu seinen Handlungen veranlasst.
#Zeitverschwendung #Follower #Followme #followyou
#zeitverschwendung #follower #followme #followyou
So who do I have to bribe to get some followers around here ? Lol #followme #followyou #followmefollowyou
#followmefollowyou #followyou #followme
#introductionpost I’ve been gradually working my way over from #thebirdsite for a few weeks now. Is it melodramatic to say this feels like #grief? After all, I had that nest since 2008. If it’s at all possible and you’d like to rebuild a similarly supportive #community here, and make new friends #followme. I’ll #followyou.
#followyou #followme #Community #grief #thebirdsite #introductionpost
Hey there #newcomers to #mastodon from #Scotland. If you have recently escaped from the blue bird then it is wonderful to meet you here. Please #followme and I will #followyou. If #ScottishIndependence is important to you, even better.
#scottishindependence #followyou #followme #scotland #mastodon #newcomers