I finished Jade City by #FondaLee but it didn't work for me like it has for many others. I found the pacing uneven and there were too many characters I didn't care about. After forcing my way through the final 100 pages, I needed something different, something decidedly fun.
So I returned to #Murderbot's third entry, Rogue Protocol by @marthawells. Once again, it was great, it was fun and I learnt a lot about humanness from an antisocial bot.
Allez, on continue sur la lancée des relecture VF avec La cité de jade.
#mastolivre #jadecity #fondalee #lacitedejade #desaxus
J'ai replongé avec grand plaisir dans l'univers de Fonda Lee avec sa novella The jade setter of Janloon, un texte parfaitement maîtrisé qui permet de se remettre dans le bain avant la sortie française de La cité de jade le 31 août.
#MastoLivre #GreenBone #FondaLee #TheJadeSetterOfJanloon #Fantasy
#mastolivre #Greenbone #fondalee #thejadesetterofjanloon #fantasy
And, in other news, I'm reading The Art of Prophecy, by #WesleyChu. It's quite good!
And it has me thinking about modern, English language #wuxia novels. If I were real pretentious I dare say I'd even label them "Neo Wuxia?"
See also: the Jade City novels by #FondaLee, or the Dandelion Dynasty series by #KenLiu. And several more great novels by great authors I've neglected to mention.
#wesleychu #wuxia #fondalee #kenliu
I struggled to commit to #FondaLee's #JadeCity, so I swapped it for the #AfricaRisen anthology and it's amazing right out of the gate. The second story by #WCDunlap is, as aptly described by the author, a "witchy reimagining of the March on Washington".
#fondalee #jadecity #AfricaRisen #wcdunlap
[Social media] removes the trust between writer and reader by flattening meaning to the single most offensive understanding and proliferating that version alone.
-- Fonda Lee (Comment on Twitter)
#quotes #fondalee #socialmedia #trust #twitter #photography #panorama #lavaflow #galapagos #geology
While I start with the much-hyped #JadeCity by #FondaLee, Richard Swan's #JusticeofKings echoes surprisingly. Should the author be able to maintain or even build on the level, I think he has delivered a modern #fantasy classic. I'm interested to know if the author knows the #manga #masterpiece #LoneWolfandCub.
I prefer #thrillers, but there are also some exciting voices in the #fantasy genre.
#jadecity #fondalee #justiceofkings #fantasy #manga #masterpiece #lonewolfandcub #thrillers
De Saxus révèle via un teasing "subtil" la sortie de Jade City en VF pour le mois d'août !
Ne ratez pas cette saga exceptionnelle si vous ne l'avez pas lue en VO !
Mon avis ici : https://ours-inculte.fr/jade-city/
#sfff #jadecity #mastolivre #fondalee #desaxus
[Social media] removes the trust between writer and reader by flattening meaning to the single most offensive understanding and proliferating that version alone.
-- Fonda Lee (Comment on Twitter)
#SocialMedia #Trust #Twitter #FondaLee #Quotes #Panopainting #Bot
#socialmedia #trust #twitter #fondalee #quotes #panopainting #bot
Orbit qui annonce l’acquisition d'un dyptique Space opera-cyberpunk-Samouraï (OK) par Fonda Lee, miam miam
#mastolivre #fondalee #orbit #thelastcontractofisako
Jade Legacy (2021) von Fonda Lee. Das Jahrzehnte umspannende Finale der Green-Bone-Saga ist umwerfend: alle Plotlines finden befriedigende (wenn auch nicht immer erfreuliche) Enden und während der Fortschritt im fiktionalen asiatischen Inselstaat Kekon Einzug hält, beginnen die mafiösen Clanstrukturen antiquiert zu wirken, sodass ein echtes Gefühl von Zeitenwende entsteht. Ich hab mir ehrlich die Augen ausgeheult. Epochal!
#JadeLegacy #GreenBoneSaga #FondaLee #HeikeLiebtListen #Top15Bücher2022
#jadelegacy #greenbonesaga #fondalee #heikeliebtlisten #top15bucher2022
Jade Legacy (2021) by Fonda Lee. The Green Bone Saga is a magical mafia epos set in the fictional Asian country of Kekon. It combines imaginative action scenes with engaging family feuds and a variety of memorable characters. The final volume, spanning decades of fateful decision-making and careful politics, left me in tears. Well-rounded and fully satisfying! Lee really stuck the landing with this one.
#JadeLegacy #GreenBoneSaga #FondaLee #HeikeLovesLists #BestBooks2022
#jadelegacy #greenbonesaga #fondalee #heikeloveslists #bestbooks2022
In no particular order, some authors I’ve enjoyed this year:
#KDEdwards ( #TheTarotSequence )
#DyrkAshton ( #Paternus )
#RebeccaRoanhorse ( #BetweenEarthAndSky )
#TamsynMuir ( #TheLockedTomb )
#BrandonSanderson ( all things #Cosmere )
#TJKlune ( #TheHouseInTheCeruleanSea )
#ChinaMieville ( #Kraken )
#UrsulaKLeGuin ( #TheLeftHandOfDarkness & #Earthsea )
#EverinaMaxwell ( #WintersOrbit )
#PDjeliClark ( #AMasterOfDjinn )
#MaggieStiefvater ( #TheDreamerTrilogy )
#OlivieBlake ( #TheAtlas )
#DavidRSlayton ( #AdamBinder )
#RogerZelazny ( #LordOfLight )
#MarthaWells ( #TheMurderbotDiaries )
#TerryPratchett ( #Discworld )
#TravisBaldree ( #LegendsAndLattes )
#ZamilAkhtar ( #GunmetalGods )
#ArkadyMartine ( #Teixcalaan )
#DennisETaylor ( #Bobiverse )
#FondaLee ( #TheGreenBoneSaga )
#NicholasEames ( #TheBand )
#SusannaClarke ( #Piranesi )
#KaiAshanteWilson ( #TheSorcererOfTheWildeeps )
If you’ve got any recommendations, feel free to shout them out! #Scifi #Fantasy #SFF #Bookstadon #ScifiReads #FantasyReads #ScifiFantasy #QueerScifi #QueerSFF
#kdedwards #thetarotsequence #dyrkashton #paternus #rebeccaroanhorse #betweenearthandsky #tamsynmuir #thelockedtomb #brandonsanderson #cosmere #tjklune #thehouseintheceruleansea #chinamieville #kraken #ursulakleguin #thelefthandofdarkness #earthsea #everinamaxwell #wintersorbit #pdjeliclark #amasterofdjinn #maggiestiefvater #thedreamertrilogy #olivieblake #theatlas #davidrslayton #adambinder #rogerzelazny #lordoflight #marthawells #themurderbotdiaries #terrypratchett #discworld #travisbaldree #legendsandlattes #zamilakhtar #gunmetalgods #arkadymartine #teixcalaan #dennisetaylor #bobiverse #fondalee #thegreenbonesaga #nicholaseames #theband #susannaclarke #piranesi #kaiashantewilson #thesorcererofthewildeeps #scifi #fantasy #sff #bookstadon #scifireads #fantasyreads #scififantasy #queerscifi #queersff
Review: Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee
Exploring the beauty of bonding with and training a raptor, Untethered Sky is a must-read if you love raptors, birds, or human/animal bonds in general.
#reviews #books #fondalee #untetheredsky
@mafeesh there's something about Sanderson's "commentarial" approach to the present-day in his secondary worlds that just reminds me more of #TheCulture, #Dune, or #Foundation, than #LOTR or Conan.
#FondaLee's #GreenboneSaga is another work like this, where it's solidly #Fantasy in terms of the elements, but seems to be doing "science fictional" narrative/commentarial work to me. (2/2)
#theculture #dune #foundation #lotr #fondalee #greenbonesaga #fantasy
@Mschristinema Fiction, it’s gotta be #FondaLee’s #JadeLegacy, the lady book in her incredible #GreenboneSaga. That series is incredible, I think it’s at the top of my list for greatest #SciFi/#Fantasy of the century (2000+) so far. I’ve never read fantasy that so precisely dealt with issues of modernity and globalization, areas I usually think sci-fi is better for. And it’s so damn gripping!
#fondalee #jadelegacy #greenbonesaga #scifi
Any good book recommendations? So far I only have two on my wish list:
#fondalee #janebown #jolabokaflodid #jolabokaflod #tsundokuproblems
Favorite authors? 🤔 #UrsulaLeGuin #OctaviaButler #NKJemisin #FondaLee #AdrianTschaikovsky #RebeccaRoanhorse and...hang on, let me go check out my bookshelves again. 😅
#ursulaleguin #octaviabutler #nkjemisin #fondalee #adriantschaikovsky #rebeccaroanhorse
@bigbeardedbookseller what a struggle to pick only a few.
Here’s 10 and so many others should be on my list.
I recommend:
#robinhobb #davidheskawanbliweiden #nkjemsin #christinahenry #beckychambers #fondalee #piercebrown #rebeccaroanhorse #rfkuang #mrcarey