Need to wake up? I've got you!
(always play this when my husband keeps snoozing his alarm 😂)
#musicvideo #music #fontainesdc
Sunday #FontainesDC if an Irish brogue wouldn't kill ya. Turned to them by The Prophet Farrell (Bernstein), aka Erotic Jesus.
Explorando música nueva por la red llegué a este disco, que fue lanzado hace solo algunos días «The Endless Coloured Ways: The Songs of Nick Drake». Un tributo al británico Nick Drake por varios artistas como #FontainesDC, #Aurora y #PhilipSelway. Tiene algunas versiones muy bonitas de sus canciones.
#fontainesdc #aurora #philipselway #nickdrake #estrenosmusicales #tributo #musica
It is that time again when I share my latest Spotify playlist, “⌘ 23.18 The Loud Overlay of Pharos”. It must be festival season because there are loads of new albums out. This playlist includes the debut album from #GrianChatten (the lead singer of #FontainesDC) and the new #UnknownMortalOrchestra album. There are also some cheeky little singles and some #Elbow to pad things out. Enjoy!
#grianchatten #fontainesdc #unknownmortalorchestra #elbow
Oh blimey. The new #NickDrake tribute album The Endless Coloured Ways is a bit flipping special. What a line up.
#FontainesDC #MikeLindsay #GuyGarvey #BombayBicycleClub #LetsEatGrandma #DavidGray #CraigArmstrong #Feist #SelfEsteem #Skullcrusher #Aurora #PhilipSelway #JohnGrant and more
#nickdrake #fontainesdc #mikelindsay #guygarvey #bombaybicycleclub #letseatgrandma #davidgray #craigarmstrong #feist #selfesteem #skullcrusher #aurora #philipselway #johngrant
Jetzt auch ohne Band: „Fairlies“ heißt der neue Song von Fontaines D.C.-Frontmann Grian Chatten. Sein Album „Chaos For The Fly“ ist für Ende Juni angekündigt. Hier erfahrt ihr, was über das Solodebüt schon bekannt ist.
#ChaosForTheFly #Fairlies #FontainesDC #GrianChatten #Popfilter #SkintyFia #TheScore #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#chaosforthefly #fairlies #fontainesdc #grianchatten #popfilter #skintyfia #thescore #popfilterdersongdestages
Check out #Sprints, currently supporting #Suede.
Great raucous Irish #postpunk sound, think #FontainesDC #ParquetCourts or #Strokes with powerful female vocalist Karla Chubb.
Last month’s Literary Mind EP ➡️
#sprints #Suede #postpunk #fontainesdc #parquetcourts #strokes #nowplaying #newmusic #indiemusic
BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME: U2 may have lost some of the adulation that once greeted them everywhere - not least in their native land. The Disney+ special 'Bono and The Edge: A Sort of Homecoming with David Letterman' seeks to rectify that. But does it succeed?.. #U2 #Dublin #Songs #Letterman #Ireland #Bono #Edge #Music #StPatricksDay #BonoandTheEdgeASortOfHomecomingwithDavidLetterman #DisneyPlus #Streaming #PantiBliss #GlenHansard #FontainesDC #ImeldaMay #DermotKennedy
#u2 #dublin #songs #letterman #ireland #bono #edge #music #stpatricksday #bonoandtheedgeasortofhomecomingwithdavidletterman #disneyplus #streaming #pantibliss #glenhansard #fontainesdc #imeldamay #DermotKennedy
Some dark, melodic, and brooding indie from Dublin.
Fontaines D.C. - "Jackie Down the Line"
#FontainesDC #IndieRock #PostPunk #DarkWave #AlternativeRock
#alternativerock #darkwave #postpunk #indierock #fontainesdc #ireland #JukeboxFridayNight
For now the man itself is up for a spin, but a cool new tribute-like album to #NickDrake is coming, with contributions of oa #GuyGarvey and #FontainesDC: The first track was released. I’d rather have it in one go, on vinyl 😉
#singersongwriter #vinyl #fontainesdc #guygarvey #NickDrake #nowplaying
I #FontainesDC sono stati una scoperta piuttosto recente.
#NickDrake invece lo amo da lungo tempo.
Adesso scopro questo "incontro":
#fontainesdc #nickdrake #mastoradio
#bestnewmusic2023 #fontainesdc
Nabihah Iqbal kündigt ihr neues Album „Dreamer“ an, Slowthai findet, dass wir uns selbst lieben sollen und Fontaines D.C. covern Nick Drakes „Cello Song“. Außerdem: RadioGPT und der neue KI-DJ bei Spotify. Das und mehr in unserem Musik-Update Keine Angst vor Hits.
#FontainesDc #KeineAngstVorHits #Musikpodcast #NabihahIqbal #Oy #RonGallo #Slowthai #YouthLagoon
#fontainesdc #keineangstvorhits #musikpodcast #nabihahiqbal #oy #rongallo #slowthai #youthlagoon
#FontainesDC #NewMusic #8tunesat8
Watch "The Endless Coloured Ways: The Songs Of Nick Drake - 'Cello Song by Fontaines D.C. (Official Video)" on YouTube
#fontainesdc #newmusic #8tunesat8
Fontaines D.C. were my favorite band wrapping up 2022 and going into 2023 that hasn’t changed.
#alternativemusic #fontainesdc
#music #musik #musikken #musica #musique
#WeAreTheRadio #TootRadio #MastoRadio #FediRadio #pouetradio
#fontainesdc #idontbelong #Music #musik #musikken #musica #musique #wearetheradio #tootradio #mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio
#FontainesDC #AHerosDeath
#music #musikken #musik #musica #musique
#WeAreTheRadio #TootRadio #FediRadio #pouetradio #MastoRadio
#fontainesdc #AHerosDeath #Music #musikken #musik #musica #musique #wearetheradio #tootradio #fediradio #pouetradio #mastoradio
My new arrivals: Skinty Fia Sessions.
4 Songs from Fontaines D.C.'s latest album, each interpreted with a different arrangement.
#newarrivals2023 #newmusic2023 #fontainesdc #skintyfia