@workingwithtype thanks for #fontDrop !
It is a really useful tool for me as a Type Designer.
Will repeat my little #introduction here on the new server:
I'm Viktor, living and working in #berlin (Germany). Every day I work with or on #type, designing new #typefaces or #layouts and do consulting work on type and #typography
I've developed a #webtool for a quick looking into #fonts: http://fontdrop.info #fontdrop
#design and #typography is not only about #reading and #writing it is also about connecting to #society #politics and #technology 😀
#introduction #berlin #type #typefaces #layouts #typography #webtool #fonts #fontdrop #design #reading #writing #society #politics #technology
Here is a little longer #introduction for #mastodon
I'm Viktor, living and working in #berlin (Germany). Every day I work with or on #type designing new #typefaces or #layouts and do consulting work on type and #typography
I've developed a #webtool for a quick looking into #fonts: http://fontdrop.info #fontdrop
#design and #typography is not only about #reading and #writing it is also about connecting to #society #politics and #technology 😀
#technology #politics #society #writing #reading #design #fontdrop #fonts #webtool #typography #layouts #typefaces #type #berlin #mastodon #introduction