9 kalafiorów, 20kg kiszonej kapusty, 5kg marchwi i ziemniaków i 2 kg pietruszki.
Większość z przeceny, miało iść do śmietnika bo kapitalizm - kanibalizm.
Czyli zaczynamy food not bombs!
#foodNotBoms #kielce #jedzeniezamiastbomb
#TIL about *Anarchist Oatmeal Cookies*:
"1. When someone says, "Ya gotta eat" as a reason for working, give them an anarchist oatmeal cookie.
2. Give them away also to those who don't say "Ya gotta eat." They might be depressed or too hungry to talk.
3. Ask other people to give them away.
4. Think about free food stores and other enterprises of freedom.
5. Make sure your neighbors, the cops, the rich, and so on get plenty, and don't forget the wretched and the homeless either. Everybody eats.
6. Don't forget to eat some yourself."
Originally by Food Not Bombs
Copied from https://1freeworld.org/anaroat1.htm (also includes full recipe)
#til #foodNotBoms #recipe #anarchism #vegan #veganarchism