Robin Forlonge Patterson · @RFPatterson
110 followers · 968 posts · Server calls it “inferior imports” and mentions "significant food miles". are only a small part of the footprint of food production and distribution. When is cheaper than local lamb in the UK, farmers should consider whether they are in the right business.

#food_miles #carbon #new_zealand #lamb #uk

Last updated 2 years ago

Tomos Garreg · @GeordieCymro
50 followers · 256 posts · Server

So much hype from about and , ignoring that methane production is part of the natural carbon cycle and can be more effectively reduced through providing a natural diet to your through , the issue with emmissions is desequestering through drilling for oil and gas and mining coal. When you penalise you supress the ability for localised food production, and make societies dependant on high

#food_miles #farmers #fossilised_carbon #mixed_herbal_ley #animals #emissions #agricultural #methane #cop

Last updated 2 years ago