#Fetterman Bill Would Ensure #StrikingWorkers Can Receive Federal #FoodAid
#Fetterman #StrikingWorkers #foodaid
Californians who need food aid -- 5.3 million people -- are being hit hard by the end of federal pandemic benefits. For a single person, monthly allotments are dropping from $281 to as little as $23.
Food banks are struggling to keep people fed.
' Instead of functioning as sources of emergency aid, food banks say they are becoming long-term supermarkets for Californians facing food insecurity.ย '
#hunger #California #FoodAid #CalFresh
#calfresh #foodaid #california #hunger
Around 258 million need emergency #foodaid: #UN-backed report https://www.globalissues.org/news/2023/05/03/33706
Let's talk about Russia, North Korea, and missteps...
It's cheaper to be a good person
#BeauOfTheFifthColumn #USForeigeignPolicy #NorthKorea #FoodAid
#beauofthefifthcolumn #usforeigeignpolicy #northkorea #foodaid
Food aid supply chains rely on a surplus of food donations, but when shortages occur, these organizations are left with difficult decisions and very few resources.
#FoodAid #FoodPoverty #Foodbanks #FoodShortages #Poverty
#foodaid #foodpoverty #foodbanks #foodshortages #poverty
Ode to food aid, the thing we all depend
It helps us so much, the least we can spend
It provides us the fuel
To stay in the game
And helps us sustain in the trying times we stand
#snap #foodaid #pandemic #ode #poetry
#snap #foodaid #pandemic #ode #poetry
The #US: "This is the worst #FoodCrisis since WWII and it's all #Russia's fault."
Also the US: "Sorry, we're too poor to help, so we'll also be cutting our funding for #FoodAid."
Russia to blame for โworst food crisis since WW2โ, says US envoy
#us #foodcrisis #russia #foodaid #africa #famine #proxywar
#LadBaby have released Food Aid, their Christmas single for 2022, with proceeds going to the Trussel Trust.
I have watched the video, but also going to purchase the song for the charity.
#FoodAid #FoodBanlk #FeedTheUK
#feedtheuk #foodbanlk #foodaid #LadBaby
Two days at the Symposium: #FoodAid and the #RightToFood in Times of Crisis by Laurence Ossipow Wรผest, Anne-Laure Counilh and Yann Cerf. Researchers remain critical toward the ability of food aid to address #FoodSecurity and #RightToFood.
My final thoughts after the event: Any iniative or organization that claims to work against #FoodPoverty and/or #FoodWaste, should ask itself: is it willing and able to imagine itself ceasing to exist?
#foodaid #righttofood #foodsecurity #foodpoverty #foodwaste
Coming up tomorrow at the Geneva School of Social Work: International Symposium: #FoodAid and the #RightToFood in Times of Crisis.
I plan to talk about food aid recipients' lived experiences in the context of Finnish #WelfareState and #ConsumerCulture.
#foodaid #righttofood #welfarestate #consumerculture
I am a #sosiologist in #theologian 's clothing and a curious observer of human social life. My research interests include faith-based charitable #FoodAid, social #inequality and charity economy, affluence, moderation and #ethics of everyday #food consumption, therapeutic culture, and lived #religion and #nonreligion. I edit a #diakonia journal and teach #PracticalTheology at the University of Eastern Finland. I'm here to follow SoM and other interesting stuff.
#sosiologist #theologian #foodaid #inequality #ethics #food #religion #nonreligion #diakonia #practicaltheology