Healthy eating is not 'more expensive' for the typical Aussie metro area. It's cheaper. Wholefood vegan diets are even cheaper still (this research is based on the so-called 'Planetary Health Diet' which still trashes the environment with fish and meat).
#Nutrition #PlanetaryHealth #Diet #FoodBills #CostOfLiving #Deakin #Research
#nutrition #planetaryhealth #diet #foodbills #costofliving #deakin #research
“Everything has gone up, every part of my life is affected. I use a powerchair, stairlift, bath lift and a Cpap machine [to ensure the user continues to breathe while sleeping]. At times I feel like I have to choose between eating and breathing"
#Disability #CostOfLiving #EnergyCrisis #Heating #FoodBills #ToryBritain
#torybritain #foodbills #heating #energycrisis #costofliving #disability
Here's a statistic that should haunt even the most uncaring #brexiteer, #LSE research reveals that #Brexit added £6Billion to UK #foodbills over 2 years. Low income families suffered the most. #Disgusting #RejoinEU #GeneralElectionN0W #CruelTories
#Brexiteer #lse #brexit #foodbills #disgusting #RejoinEU #GeneralElectionN0W #CruelTories