I guess I know a new-old #FoodChallenge:
Go to a random restaurant that offers takeout and literally order #BigSmoke - Style...
And I mean saying the exact numbers and then look what you'd be getting...
ミランダ・カー、衝撃のフルヌード https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1769931/global-beauties/
##川谷絵音 #AYU #Borntobe #CM降板 #foodchallenge #GREEN #LIVE #MADEINTOKYO #mahoto #MEGWIN #oricon #sixxxxxx #THEYELLOWMONKEY #Winterdiary #アホ #あゆ #オリコン #カウントダウン #ゲスの極み乙女 #ゲスの極み乙女。 #サグワ #サグワダイアリー #サグワダイアリーセカンド #スキャンダル #セカンドチャンネル #バカ #はまさきあゆみ #ベッキー #マホト #ミランダ・カー #ラフハウス #ロック・バンド #不倫 #交際否定 #休日課長 #卒論 #報道 #浜崎 #浜崎あゆみ #浮気 #相手 #相馬トランジスタ #緊急会見 #芸能ニュース #謝罪 #週刊誌
#川谷絵音 #ayu #borntobe #cm降板 #foodchallenge #green #live #madeintokyo #mahoto #megwin #oricon #sixxxxxx #theyellowmonkey #winterdiary #アホ #あゆ #オリコン #カウントダウン #ゲスの極み乙女 #サグワ #サグワダイアリー #サグワダイアリーセカンド #スキャンダル #セカンドチャンネル #バカ #はまさきあゆみ #ベッキー #マホト #ミランダ・カー #ラフハウス #ロック・バンド #不倫 #交際否定 #休日課長 #卒論 #報道 #浜崎 #浜崎あゆみ #浮気 #相手 #相馬トランジスタ #緊急会見 #芸能ニュース #謝罪 #週刊誌
KØBE BEEF TACØS 🌮 🥩 🐄 Would you eat this on vacation? 🤤 #tacos #food #kobe https://www.alojapan.com/823349/kobe-beef-tacos-%f0%9f%8c%ae-%f0%9f%a5%a9-%f0%9f%90%84-would-you-eat-this-on-vacation-%f0%9f%a4%a4-tacos-food-kobe/
#beeftacos #foodchallenge #foodcontest #Kevinlee #Kobe #Kobedestinations #Kobetacos #kobetour #Kobetravel #Kobetrip #Kobevacation #shortrib #shorts #tacos #Viral #viralfood #神戸
#tacos #food #kobe #beeftacos #foodchallenge #foodcontest #kevinlee #kobedestinations #kobetacos #kobetour #kobetravel #kobetrip #kobevacation #shortrib #shorts #viral #viralfood #神戸
See Videos Of The 6-7lb Colossal Calzone Challenge From Tre Ragazzi’s Italian Cafe
Tre Ragazzi's Italian Cafe in Glencoe, Alabama had a unique food challenge anyone can try. In their 6-7lb Coloss
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #6-7lbColossalCalzoneChallenge #BeardMeetsFood #BrandonDaGarbageDisposalClark #CalzoneFoodChallenge #FoodChallenge #RandySantel #TreRagazzi'sItalianCafe
#foodtalk #beardmeetsfood #brandondagarbagedisposalclark #calzonefoodchallenge #foodchallenge #randysantel #treragazzi
...because nothing quite says "America" like "The World's Strongest Man" (🇬🇧 not American) #eating enough "#lunchmeat-on-white-sub-roll" to feed 10!"
In a country where kids go to bed #hungry every night, "#foodchallenge" shows are very #popular @ #CookingChannel. 😏
Yay, #America! #EddieEatsAmerca!
#gluttony #tv #realitytv #notacookingshow #foodie #eddiehall #thebeast #endstagecapitalism #entertaininourselvestodeath #hunger #thehungergames
#eating #lunchmeat #hungry #foodchallenge #popular #cookingchannel #america #eddieeatsamerca #gluttony #tv #realitytv #notacookingshow #foodie #eddiehall #thebeast #endstagecapitalism #entertaininourselvestodeath #hunger #thehungergames
I made my own gluten free samosas!
Boiled potatoes, carrots, and peas together.
Sauteed onions and garlic separately
Combined them once cooked appropriately, mashed them together with ginger, chili powder and salt.
Then I plopped the mixture into a rice paper wrap and baked for 10 min on 350°F.
My mum said it was good so I trust her.
#foodchallenge #vegan #glutenfree
Day 1
So a little backstory- I was born and have lived all my life in a little town in the southern US. We have a Walmart, a gas station, and a factory.
So when an instance like today arises where I can visit the city (a three hour drive away), I go get STUFF.
When I went to take my partner home from the hospital (yay!), I stopped at an international foods market and got several things I've never tried/heard of:
-Jackfruit (to make faux pulled pork)
-Plantain Flour
I tried the halva and it is so good!
I'll post more when I make jackfruit pulled pork
#vegan #glutenfree #foodchallenge