@socialmovetech @openrightsgroup Why using Zoom and create an oximoron ?? Should we do conferences about #permaculture or #foodcoops in a #mcdonalds because they have good sofas?
Alternatives to the oximoron: #BigBlueButton #Jitsi
#jitsi #bigbluebutton #mcdonalds #foodcoops #permaculture
Calling all #foodcoop enthusiasts: Please help me add #foodcoops from around the world to this collaborative map, so people can see whether there are any in their vicinity: https://facilmap.org/t7EJKFF10A7Eup
A food #coop in the context of this map is a #workerowned or #memberowned grocery store, either physical or digital. Please don't add #cooperatives that are associations of producers or wholesalers, since this is not what the map is for.
Thank you all very much in advance!
#foodcoop #foodcoops #coop #workerowned #memberowned #cooperatives
@joeyh For anyone interested, listing of member-owned food grocery co-ops by state, in the US:
#coops #foodcoops #GroceryCoOps #cooperatives
Workers center organizer Wing Lam once told me, "we are not into denounce, denounce, denounce. We want to organize." This story on workers at food co-ops is long on denunciation -- food co-ops are a "capitalist hellhole"? -- but raises important points. What do folks here know about NCG, CDS and UNFI ?
#coopitalism #union #foodcoops
"Despite some changes in recent years, food co-ops are among the whitest of co-op sectors. In 2015, two food co-op consultants, Jade Barker, who is Black, and Patricia Cumbie, who is white, teamed up to write a book on the topic. Their book, which was published last fall, is titled Everyone Welcome?: Personal narratives about race and food co-ops."
#intersectionality #coops #antiracism #blackentrepreneurs #foodcoops
#intersectionality #coops #antiracism #blackentrepreneurs #foodcoops
Scuttlebutt from a friend who is a critical observer of #NationalCooperativeGrocers (the co-op of US #foodcoops): their CEO, #RobynnShrader, is apparently out...
#nationalcooperativegrocers #foodcoops #robynnshrader
For anyone in NYC who's interested in expanding on/improving the model of the Park Slope Food Coop, here's a link to their survey regarding a potential second location.
#nyc #foodcoops #parkslopefoodcoop #brooklyn