#FoodCosts are Still Sky High. #Communal #Gardening Could Help
#foodcosts #communal #gardening
"#Pakistan is grappling with one of its worst #EconomicCrises amid higher #FoodCosts and an alarming annual #inflation of nearly 30 percent while the weekly inflation last month was close to 45 percent. It is also still struggling with the aftermath of last summer’s devastating #floods, which killed more than 1,700 people and caused a staggering $30 billion in losses."
Cash-Strapped Pakistan Gets $1 Billion Loan From #China Amid #IMF Bailout Delays
#imf #china #floods #inflation #foodcosts #economiccrises #pakistan
Safeway is finally getting sued for jacking up their prices to have BOGO (Buy One Get One) sales then lowering them back down after the sale.
#FoodCosts #Lawsuit #Shopping
Global News BC: Grocery prices making healthy food unaffordable for B.C. families, BCCDC says https://globalnews.ca/news/9723516/grocery-prices-healthy-food-unaffordable-bc-families/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #B.C.CentreforDiseaseControlfoodreport #B.C.CentreforDiseaseControl #BCfamiliescan'taffordfood #lower-incomehouseholds #SurreyFoodBanks #BCfoodsecurity #FoodInsecurity #CostofLiving #foodcosts #BCcosts #Canada #BcFood #BCCDC #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #b #bcfamiliescan #lower #surreyfoodbanks #bcfoodsecurity #FoodInsecurity #costofliving #foodcosts #bccosts #Canada #bcfood #BCCDC #BC
Came across a money saving tip that's totally obvious, but I couldn't think of it at the question of how.
The clue is this:
The average person throws away 30-40% of food they buy... Oh. Oh! Yeah, obviously you save money when you use up food before it's past best/okay to use so you don't need to buy new. I knew I waste money when I throw things out but I hadn't thought of better planning as THE key technique to save so much money. Weird how that goes some times.
#FoodCosts #SavingMoney #cooking
#foodcosts #savingmoney #cooking
How shading #crops with #solarpanels can improve #farming, lower #foodcosts and reduce #emissions
#crops #solarpanels #farming #foodcosts #emissions
The US wholesale inflation did decrease
With lower food costs a major piece
Falling prices, rising stress
A sign of the times I'd guess
Let's hope the trend continues to spread and to increase
#inflation #wholesale #foodcosts #us #limerick #poetry
#inflation #wholesale #foodcosts #us #limerick #poetry
Food costs
Mindful and wise
Effect on health and drift
From friends, budget too tight
Struggling seniors sigh
#seniors #foodcosts #budgets #socialties #health #cinquain #poetry
#seniors #foodcosts #budgets #socialties #health #cinquain #poetry
Shocking realization: because I am all alone, I pay way more for single servings of food
After deciding to watch the Superbowl by myself, I splurged and bought my first game day bucket of chicken and sides from Walmart
There are over 4 meals in that bucket, for less than $4 a meal! That's hot, freshly cooked yummy foods for less than a bad frozen dinner
Now I know.
#livingsolo #FoodCosts #JoinIn
#livingsolo #foodcosts #joinin
Heightened food costs hammer Nuu-chah-nulth-aht
#FirstNations #IndigenousPeoples #Nuuchahnulth #PortAlberni #Nanaimo #Clayoquot #Barkley #Nootka #BC #BritishColumbia #Canada #Food #FoodCosts #Year2023 #Inflation #FoodInflation
#firstnations #indigenouspeoples #nuuchahnulth #portalberni #nanaimo #clayoquot #barkley #nootka #bc #britishcolumbia #canada #food #foodcosts #year2023 #inflation #foodinflation
You Must Sow These Seeds in February https://www.diningandcooking.com/671625/you-must-sow-these-seeds-in-february/
#costoflivingcrisis #february #february2023 #foodcosts #foodgrowingforbeginners #gardeningforbeginners #gardeninghacks #gardeningtips #growfood #growveg #growveg #howtogrow #nodig #organicgardening #seedstarting #seedstosowinfebruary #VegetableGarden #VegetableGardenVideos #VegetableGardening #VegetableGardeningVideos #whatcanIsowinwinter #whatcanIsownow #whattogrownow #whattoplantinfebruary #whattosowinfebruary
#whattosowinfebruary #whattoplantinfebruary #whattogrownow #whatcanisownow #whatcanisowinwinter #vegetablegardeningvideos #vegetablegardening #vegetablegardenvideos #vegetablegarden #seedstosowinfebruary #seedstarting #organicgardening #nodig #howtogrow #growveg #growfood #gardeningtips #gardeninghacks #gardeningforbeginners #foodgrowingforbeginners #foodcosts #february2023 #february #Costoflivingcrisis