#crocodiletears for the weekend:
Travis Kalanick (of #Uber infamy) new venture Cloud Kitchens, that offers the infrastructure for the exploitative world of the 'dark kitchen' for #fooddelivery, has had close a number of its locations as it seems its business model does not appeal.... good news for kitchen workers fearing a further uber-isation of their casualised, zero-hours contract exploitative working environment - not that this will solve the problem(s).
#crocodiletears #uber #fooddelivery
Man, trying to find a #tech / #Linux job with no work experience is proving to be difficult... who would have thought.
Might just have to go with the old #fooddelivery job route to start with. We'll see...
Gizmodo: For the First Time, Uber Made Some Money https://gizmodo.com/uber-made-an-operating-profit-for-the-first-time-1850695258 #legalityofridesharingcompaniesbyjurisdiction #controversiesinvolvinguber #locationbasedsoftware #darakhosrowshahi #businessfinance #fooddelivery #ubereats #amazon #uber
#legalityofridesharingcompaniesbyjurisdiction #controversiesinvolvinguber #locationbasedsoftware #darakhosrowshahi #businessfinance #fooddelivery #ubereats #amazon #uber
Sempre a proposito di #fooddelivery (vedi il mio toot di stamane) pare che le sacche portavivande dei #riders non siano poi tanto pulite...
Voi vi fidereste a mangiare cibo che è stato magari anche 1 ora in quelle belle e fosforescenti sacche verdi, gialle, arancioni... ?
MILANO: TUTTE E TUTTI ASSOLTI NEL PROCESSO PER L’AZIONE DI PROTESTA A DELIVEROO DELL’APRILE 2018 https://www.radiondadurto.org/2023/07/12/milano-tutte-e-tutti-assolti-nel-processo-per-lazione-di-protesta-a-deliveroo-dellaprile-2018/ #ciclofattorini #fooddelivery #lavoratrici #piattaforme #gigeconomy #lavoratori #deliveroo #lavoro #milano #News
#ciclofattorini #fooddelivery #lavoratrici #piattaforme #gigeconomy #lavoratori #deliveroo #lavoro #milano #news
Vice: Uber, DoorDash Sue NYC to Stop Delivery Drivers From Getting a Minimum Wage https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/93k3ve/uber-doordash-sue-nyc-to-stop-delivery-drivers-from-getting-a-minimum-wage #deliverydriver #Fooddelivery #minimumwage #DoorDash #grubhub #lawsuit #uber #NYC
#deliverydriver #fooddelivery #minimumwage #doordash #grubhub #lawsuit #uber #nyc
When #ASDA says your delivery driver’s arrived yet there’s no van parked on your street…
#SUS #deliverytracking #nobodyhere #fooddelivery #asda
Vice: Uber, DoorDash Sue NYC to Stop Delivery Drivers From Getting a Minimum Wage https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/93k3ve/uber-doordash-sue-nyc-to-stop-delivery-drivers-from-getting-a-minimum-wage #deliverydriver #Fooddelivery #minimumwage #DoorDash #grubhub #lawsuit #uber #NYC
#deliverydriver #fooddelivery #minimumwage #doordash #grubhub #lawsuit #uber #nyc
Vice: Uber, DoorDash Sue NYC to Stop Delivery Drivers From Getting a Minimum Wage https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/93k3ve/uber-doordash-sue-nyc-to-stop-delivery-drivers-from-getting-a-minimum-wage #deliverydriver #Fooddelivery #minimumwage #DoorDash #grubhub #lawsuit #uber #NYC
#deliverydriver #fooddelivery #minimumwage #doordash #grubhub #lawsuit #uber #nyc
Vice: Uber, DoorDash Sue NYC to Stop Delivery Drivers From Getting a Minimum Wage https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/93k3ve/uber-doordash-sue-nyc-to-stop-delivery-drivers-from-getting-a-minimum-wage #deliverydriver #Fooddelivery #minimumwage #DoorDash #grubhub #lawsuit #uber #NYC
#deliverydriver #fooddelivery #minimumwage #doordash #grubhub #lawsuit #uber #nyc
Bolt of Tallinn, a mobilty giant
Has adopted Starship bots to be defiant
They deliver food quick
In multiple countries, it'll stick
For delivery that's quicker and more compliant
#bolt #starshiprobots #delivery #fooddelivery #limerick #poetry
#bolt #starshiprobots #delivery #fooddelivery #limerick #poetry
#USA #NYC #MininumWage #GigEconomy #FoodDelivery: "Perhaps more than any other American city, New York relies on a growing army of delivery workers who have braved successive waves of Covid, extreme weather and toxic air as remote work has reshaped the economy. Now, they’re getting a raise.
Starting July 12, New York City’s app-based delivery workers must be paid at least $17.96 an hour, not including tips — the first such minimum pay-rate in the country for an industry that exploded in popularity during the pandemic. The increase, which will go into effect nearly two years after the City Council passed a set of bills designed to improve conditions for the workers, was announced by Mayor Eric Adams over the weekend."
#usa #nyc #mininumwage #gigeconomy #fooddelivery
Nápad: Co kdyby existovala federovaná alternativa k food delivery aplikacím? Každá restaurace by mohla provozovat vlastní instanci, a uživatelé by poté ve své aplikaci vyhledávali restaurace ve své lokalitě, tak jako v současných centralizovaných aplikacích.
Takové řešení by přineslo uživatelům větší výběr restaurací a jedno centralizované místo pro objednávání, na které jsou zvyklí. Pro restaurace by to znamenalo získání větší kontroly a snížení výše poplatků.
#idea #fediverse #fooddelivery
"In 2021, Josh Dzieza, The Verge’s investigating editor, painted an in-depth portrait of what the city’s #DeliveryWorkers face, one that showed workers delivering ice cream in a hurricane, chasing down bike thieves, or being slashed by knife-wielding attackers while working." #GigEconomy
NYC #FoodDelivery #GigWorkers score a big #MinimumWage victory - The Verge
#minimumwage #gigworkers #fooddelivery #gigeconomy #deliveryworkers
En choisissant de travailler presque exclusivement avec des 3PL, les plateformes, “n’assument rien du tout”, dit Elyes Chafter. “[Elles] gagnent sur le fait de ne pas avoir de charges sociales à payer, mais évitent toutes les conséquences en cas de licenciements abusifs par exemple. Ils se rendent service entre eux”.
#Tunisie #Ubérisation #FoodDelivery
#tunisie #ubérisation #fooddelivery
After a customer made a complaint about a delivery agent, the agent threatened the #customer and said that they would sue them
#fooddelivery #ItsViral
https://www.hindustantimes.com/trending/delivery-agent-threatens-to-sue-customer-who-got-them-fired-101686214204240.html #press
#customer #fooddelivery #itsviral #press
After a customer made a complaint about a delivery agent, the agent threatened the #customer and said that they would sue them
#fooddelivery #ItsViral
https://www.hindustantimes.com/trending/delivery-agent-threatens-to-sue-customer-who-got-them-fired-101686214204240.html #press
#customer #fooddelivery #itsviral #press
#DoorDash sued for $1B for charging #iPhone users more "because they make more money" #Fraud #FoodDelivery
#doordash #iphone #fraud #fooddelivery
OnlineFirst - "Betwixt and between: Triple liminality and liminal agency in the Swedish gig economy" by Linda Weidenstedt, Andrea Geissinger, Birgit Leick, and Nabeel Nazeer:
#gigeconomy #fooddelivery #sociospatiality #liminalagency #migrantwork
#gigeconomy #fooddelivery #sociospatiality #liminalagency #migrantwork
#USA #FoodDelivery #DoorDash #Grubhub #UberEats #GigEconomy: "DoorDash, Grubhub and Uber Eats may be convenient, but whether they’re a winning proposition for anybody can swing on a few dollars.
The apps aren’t always transparent about who receives what share of the bill paid by customers. So The Washington Post conducted an experiment, placing identical orders on each app and then gathering receipts from all parties to see how each fared.
As tips can vary customer-to-customer — from the size of the tip, to giving a percentage versus a flat dollar amount — The Post initially removed them to better compare the cost of the transactions. When added in later, they significantly impact driver pay."
#usa #fooddelivery #doordash #grubhub #ubereats #gigeconomy