Seeing that #Kroger has to unload a bunch of #Marianos so that they can complete a deal to purchase another grocery chain. Regularity anti-monopoly stuff.
What if Kroger was allowed to keep those Marianos if they required to set up "price controlled" stores in #FoodDeserts?
#kroger #marianos #fooddeserts
This caught my attitude!
Illinois to invest $20M in effort to bring grocery stores to ‘food deserts’ - Belleville News-Democrat
Great job Gov.!
Keep ‘em coming…#illinois #food #FoodDeserts
Took a load of tomatoes to Market 309 in Peoria yesterday, a market that occurs every Sunday on the south side to make fresh produce accessible in an area that is otherwise a food desert
Always brings me joy to see all the shoppers excited about fresh food, extra so when they were excited about my cherry tomatoes :)
#PeoriaGrown #Market309
#FoodForAll #FoodIsMedicine #FoodDeserts
#peoriagrown #market309 #foodforall #foodismedicine #fooddeserts
Hash tag list:
#ipcc #vegan #veganism #brazil #un #industrialfoodsystem #marginalized #capitalism #race #racism #RacialCapitalism #privilege #poverty #fooddeserts #accessibility #bodyshaming #FoodShaming #CorporateFoodSystem #DestroyTheCorporateFoodSystem #corporategreed #indigenous #landjustice #agroecological
Hash tag list:
#ipcc #vegan #veganism #brazil #un #industrialfoodsystem #marginalized #capitalism #race #racism #RacialCapitalism #privilege #poverty #fooddeserts #accessibility #bodyshaming #FoodShaming #CorporateFoodSystem #DestroyTheCorporateFoodSystem #corporategreed #indigenous #landjustice #agroecological
@KatM The USA has #HealthcareDeserts as well as #FoodDeserts.
#healthcaredeserts #fooddeserts
This is a cool initiative. One of the reasons my eldest moved back to his home town was that he was tired of having to drive 45 miles to the grocery store. Be nice if this catches on more places.
#cooperative #coops #fooddeserts
Here's how some rural communities are trying to save their grocery stores : Shots - Health News : NPR
#cooperative #coops #fooddeserts
Writing for *#TheAmericanProspect*, #LukeGoldstein describes how the USDA changed SNAP rules to let people pay with SNAP for groceries ordered online, as a way to deal with the growing problem of #FoodDeserts in poor and rural communities:
It's a good idea - in theory.
#theamericanprospect #lukegoldstein #fooddeserts
More — Prof. Gomez (Lehigh U.) and Pauline Mapfumo, from Zimbabwe, speak with Lancet's Jessamy Bagenal about childhood obesity, food deserts, and policy reform. #ChildhoodObesity #nutrition #FoodDeserts #HealthPolicy #GlobalHealth
#childhoodobesity #nutrition #fooddeserts #healthpolicy #globalhealth
Across America, rural communities and big cities are limiting the expansion of dollar stores, which use a mix of illegal predatory tactics, labor abuse, and monopoly consolidation to destroy the few community grocery stores that survived the Walmart plague and turn poor places into #FoodDeserts.
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
#BLM #blackhistory #education #blackmenunitied #PoliceReformNow #childliteracy #fooddeserts
#gunviolenceprevention #homelessness
#racism #DomesticAbuse #WomensHealthProtectionAct #LGBTQDiscrimination #housingdiscrimination #blackgenerationalwealth #reparations
These are most important to me, but mostly black women issues.Us sisters gonna work it out.We have a strong bond especially when it comes to voting.
#housingdiscrimination #blackhistory #blackmenunitied #reparations #blackgenerationalwealth #education #blm #childliteracy #fooddeserts #gunviolenceprevention #homelessness #racism #domesticabuse #WomensHealthProtectionAct #lgbtqdiscrimination #policereformnow
I did the Utrecht #AlbertHeijn 20 before sunrise.
20 km by #bicycle to all 20 AH neighborhood grocery stores within 10 minutes by #bike of #Utrecht Centraal.
Grocery stores are excellent indicators of healthy neighborhoods. That's why city planners talk about #FoodDeserts. When you must go a long way to get healthy food, you spend time and money just to stay alive. Not in Utrecht! #Food also indicates good supply chains + emergency resilience.
#albertheijn #bicycle #bike #utrecht #fooddeserts #food
Love this idea-
This North Carolina Non-Profit Uses Retired School Buses As Mobile Food Pantries
(and donated!)
#sdoh #foodscarcity #hunger #fooddeserts
That's right, #gardening is gangsta. Check out and support Ron Finley's outstanding work to change culture and end #fooddeserts.
#PlantSomeMoney #GrowYourMoney #FoodJustice #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth #FoodInsecurity #Health #Wellbeing #growsomeshit
#gardening #fooddeserts #plantsomemoney #growyourmoney #foodjustice #socialdeterminantsofhealth #foodinsecurity #health #wellbeing #growsomeshit
Buffalo turns to food justice after supermarket shooting
The shooting at Tops Friendly Markets reignited conversations around food insecurity in Black communities – and residents are reimagining and rebuilding
“We can’t keep just stacking poverty on top of poverty,” Butler said. “Whether it’s jobs or retail stores, or food stores, bringing this here allows the Black community to see something other than what they’ve been seeing.”
Comfort food? It is for us #Mediterranean #HealthyDiet
I costed ingredients on Aldi’s prices. Total estimate cost =£4.45. Feeds#6. Time to make =30 minutes (costed 0)
I realise many can’t afford, live in #FoodDeserts have no car or can’t afford #transport to cheaper supermarkets
#mediterranean #HealthyDiet #fooddeserts #transport
Food is so much more than what's on our plates.  For the people who grow it  Our planet's resources that go into producing it  And the millions of people who struggle to access it  We should all remember the true value of food.
La nave del misterio enseña al público a creer memeces (y a ser un poco facha, todo hay que decirlo). Y luego está el #podcast #stuffTheyDontWantYouToKnow, que me recuerda a un programa de radio que a su vez aparecía en #ElGranApagón.
Hoy, #FoodDeserts #FoodApartheid
Digging Deeper Into Food Deserts via @podcastaddict
#podcast #stuffTheyDontWantYouToKnow #elgranapagon #fooddeserts #foodapartheid