I've been quiet for a few days because I am currently in Colombia. When I asked what I should purchase to bring home, I got a list of fruit seeds. 😆 Now I have to go and hunt down certain exotic fruits to eat!
Rollinia, fresh acai fruit, yellow dragon fruit, gooseberry, and others...
Oh, the joys of partnering up with a diversity obsessed agroecologist farmer. 😂😂
#agroecology #foodforest #foodforestfarming
Michael continues to make amazing headway on our #FoodForest slope, getting more cacao plants in the ground every day - along with banana, plantain, and a whole slew of other trees. Nowadays he's often accompanied by our toucan babies (they're actually collared aracari). They roam freely around the property, constantly surprising us in new and unexpected places.
#Permaculture #Agroecology #Permacultura #toucans #FoodForestFarming #homesteading
#foodforest #permaculture #agroecology #permacultura #toucans #foodforestfarming #homesteading
The pond clean up is finished! The cattails have been thinned, the creeping pasture grasses cut back, and other aquatic plants pulled back from the brink of a takeover. M even got a new variety of lotus planted.
It's incredible to me how this pond we built has integrated into the landscape so naturally - but the landscape just wants to swallow it back up! Growth rates in the tropics are no joke.
#agroecology #permaculture #foodforestfarming #farmlife
The nursery is where all the magic starts. If you look closely you'll find baby black pepper plants, cacao trees, pardillos, guavas, and other random tropical fruit trees, all waiting patiently to be planted in their permanent place in the food forest.
#FoodForestFarming #GrowYourOwnFood #OrganicFarming #Homesteading
#foodforestfarming #growyourownfood #organicfarming #homesteading
Did ya'll know that some of the finest cacao in the world comes from #Venezuela?
About 5 hectares of our property is designated for reforesting through a permanent #FoodForest. It's a slow process, but the hope of future harvests keeps M planting away. We''ve already got lots of #bananas, #avocados, #coffee, #pineapple, #Vanilla, and a mix of fruit trees in the ground. But cacao is going to be the real star of the show in a few years.
#venezuela #foodforest #bananas #Avocados #coffee #pineapple #vanilla #growyourownfood #permaculture #foodforestfarming