#comic #eatingdisorder #food #foodindustryhttps://rainking.de/2023/09/08/hunger/
#foodindustry #food #eatingdisorder #comic
New Paper Alert! #FoodIndustry Documents reveal influence of nutritional requirement around TVP products: 'Captive school markets, industry self-regulation, & public-private partnerships: Narratives shaping the development of alternative proteins in the US...'
A quick query in our Food Industry Documents brings back 80+ hits for (TVP OR "texturized vegetable protein") - https://www.industrydocuments.ucsf.edu/food/results/#q=(TVP%20OR%20%22texturized%20vegetable%20protein%22)&h=%7B%22hideDuplicates%22%3Afalse%2C%22hideFolders%22%3Atrue%7D&subsite=food&cache=true&count=84
#JunkFood, sugar and additives #TheDarkSideOfTheFoodIndustry
#SugarSaltAndFat #foodaddiction #foodissues #FoodIndustry #MichaelMoss
#dw #documentary #doku #junkfood #thedarksideofthefoodindustry #sugarsaltandfat #foodaddiction #foodissues #foodindustry #michaelmoss
How #sugar became the #scapegoat for society’s ills – from #austerity to the #CostOfLivingCrisis | Karen Throsby | The Guardian
I was aware of the issue of fat shaming and poverty shaming that has taken place over the past decade based on one essential ingredient of food. Maybe the #FoodIndustry needs to be forced to act rather than blaming people without money.
#sugar #scapegoat #austerity #Costoflivingcrisis #foodindustry #politics #publicpolicy #health #shaming #poverty
would you like a nasty infection with that salmon fillet?
Restaurant workers who showed up to their jobs while sick were linked to 40% of food poisoning outbreaks with a known cause, according to a CDC report
#Food #RestaurantLife #FoodIndustry #Foodies https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/31/us/food-poisoning-sick-workers-restaurants.html
#food #restaurantlife #foodindustry #foodies
Your Food is Lying to You | Climate Town
#ClimateAction #ClimateChange #foodindustry
#climateaction #ClimateChange #foodindustry
I'm all for sequestering carbon and developing alternative fuels like ethanol with lower greenhouse emissions. But it seems odd to encourage farmers to serve industry when there are still people in this country who go hungry or don't eat enough local produce.
That's one reason I'm working with UMaine's Mitchell Center on a free app for gleaners, who help farmers deliver excess crops to food banks.
#foodindustry #farming #foodinsecurity #biofuels #climate #foodbank
#foodbank #climate #biofuels #foodinsecurity #farming #foodindustry
Why should you avoid eating at large food chains?
Big chains calculate how much food they can throw away and still make a profit. For every item you buy you’re paying for something that’s going to be thrown away. It was planned to be thrown away in order to increase speed and efficiency for the customer
Indy joints run on the minimal waste principal of the food industry.
#foodwaste #foodindustry #food
#foodwaste #foodindustry #food
New Yorker: The Starbucks Union Fight Comes to Congress https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-starbucks-union-fight-comes-to-congress #NewYorker #News/DailyComment #FoodIndustry #LaborUnions #Starbucks #Testimony #Unions
#newyorker #news #foodindustry #laborunions #starbucks #testimony #unions
Uncovering the violent history of the Canadian sugar industry
#Canada #History #Food #Sugar #Labour #HumanRights #Vancouver #Plantations #Fiji #Slavery #Caribbean #SugarCane #BritishColumbia #DominicanRepublic #FoodIndustry
#canada #history #food #sugar #labour #humanrights #Vancouver #plantations #fiji #slavery #caribbean #sugarcane #britishcolumbia #dominicanrepublic #foodindustry
Sad to hear #BBCRadio4Today devoting minutes of airtime to incremental, expensive & experimental pharmaceutical treatment of obesity without even mentioning the #foodindustry - horrible parallels with #ClimateEmergency and technofixes
#BBCRadio4Today #foodindustry #climateemergency
1 BILLION people out of 8 billion people are obese.
Currently 1 in 8 people.
Likely 1 in 4 by 2035.
#WorldObesityDay #obesity #overweight #nutrition #diet #UPFs #food #foodSystem #foodIndustry
#worldobesityday #obesity #overweight #nutrition #diet #upfs #food #foodsystem #foodindustry
Today is world obesity day. It is time now to cut marketing for ultra-processed foods. It happened with tobacco. UPFs are addictive and toxic. This industry is killing people and needs regulation.
#WorldObesityDay #obesity #nutrition #diet #UPFs #food #foodSystem #foodIndustry
#worldobesityday #obesity #nutrition #diet #upfs #food #foodsystem #foodindustry
I’m researching cafe work life for a thing I’m writing. If you’ve worked in a cafe and don’t mind answering some questions. I’d love to hear your stories.
1) what hours did you work?
2) what’s the craziest thing that happened?
3) what did you love about your job?
4) what did you hate about it?
5) what’s the rudest or nicest thing a customer ever did?
Thank you!
#wip #writingcommunity #cafe #cooking #foodindustry #service
#wip #writingcommunity #cafe #cooking #foodindustry #service
> the food industry is only playing by a set of rules written by our government. (And maintained, it is true, with the industry's political muscle.) The #PoliticalChallenge now is to rewrite those rules, to develop a new set of agricultural policies that don't subsidize #overproduction -- and #overeating. For unless we somehow deal with the mountain of cheap grain... the calories are guaranteed to keep coming.
#FoodIndustry #Agriculture #Subsidies #MarketRules #Markets #FreeMarket
#freemarket #markets #MarketRules #subsidies #agriculture #foodindustry #overeating #overproduction #PoliticalChallenge
Someone is “feeding us rubbish,” say advocates for #ObesityPrevention. Perhaps this is true of the #FoodIndustry, but it also appears to be true of some of the #research on prevention programs.
#obesityprevention #foodindustry #research
“Many workers in the food industry experiencing parosmia—or a long-term distorted sense of smell—find their lives and livelihoods disrupted. And they have trouble accessing help.”
#covid #LongCovid #parosmia #smell #taste #senses #foodindustry
#covid #LongCovid #parosmia #smell #taste #senses #foodindustry
RT @LondonEDC@twitter.com
The @CFIN_RCIA@twitter.com (CFIN) initiative helps Canadian food & beverage companies enhance their sector through R&D, adoption of new products and services, and innovation 🍲 🏭
Read the @Mentor_Works@twitter.com article here: https://bit.ly/3JiogL3 🔗
#foodindustry #ldnont #foodandbev #funding
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LondonEDC/status/1618710636053110789
#foodindustry #ldnont #foodandbev #funding
Being tired of having as a respond in discussions about topics I care - oh it became your topic. Discussion over. It’s not only my topic - it could be also yours!
#ClimateChange #chatgpt #artificialintelligence
#foodindustry #circulareconomy #blockchain
Looking forward to exchange ideas about how to create a #betterfuture here.
#ClimateChange #chatgpt #artificialintelligence #foodindustry #circulareconomy #blockchain #betterfuture #newHere