Found one at #foodland. Much better and safer than a tin of toxic chemicals.
Record profit in #Food / Bev Industry raked in ~ $7.3B (StatsCan) 2021 $1.8b over 2020 & $4.b more than Pre-Pandemic offsetting losses.
Just kidding, food will go up because of this
#BREAKING: Sobeys cyber attack will cost $25-M. Parent company Empire Co still not disclosing if it was #ransomware & if it paid. Still investigating whether customers private data was taken. #News
#Empire owns 1,500 stores in 🇨🇦, incl #Sobeys #Lawtons #IGA #Safeway #Foodland #Needs +
#food #breaking #ransomware #news #empire #Sobeys #Lawtons #IGA #safeway #foodland #needs