Hej hej!
Nie próżnujemy miejscóweczka rośnie, w połowie października może nam się uda was zaprosić na pierwszy event.
Na zdjęciach rośnie nam kuchnia Jedzenie zamiast Bomb/Food not Bombs Kielce .
Link do zrzutki: https://pomagam.pl/efgf66?
#stolarnia #foodnotbombs #anarchistycznekielce
Call to support #FoodNotBombs volunteer targeted with repression in #Houston.
Happy Labor Day! Unions and organized labor got us eight-hour days and the weekend. WHY STOP THERE?! Let’s organize and create the future we wish to see; one where everyone is valued and cared for, and no one is exploited by capitalism!
🌱Everyone is entitled to the food of their choosing every day, regardless of their employment status!
🏠 Everyone deserves to be housed, regardless of if they work or how much they work!
💰 EVERYONE deserves a living wage!
Please join us ANY SUNDAY, we would love to have you! Message the page for more information. See you next Sunday!
#mutualaid #solidarity #foodisaright #laborday #freemeal #kansascity #kcmo #foodnotbombs
#MutualAid #solidarity #foodisaright #laborday #freemeal #kansascity #kcmo #foodnotbombs
OUT NOW!! Episode 10
Download, RSS, or find us on ITunes, I Heart, or your favorite podcast app. Support us through linktr.ee/al1312 ->donate.
Today we have a round table discussion on the harassment being faced by many Food Not Bombs Chapters around the so called US. This discussion will feature members from the Houston, Memphis, West Palm Beach, and of course Aberdeen Food Not Bombs.
We have music from Julie Lavery, Free Radicals, and Dinero Muerto, The Communique newsletter, as well as a monthly radical news roundup.
Hope you enjoy.
#SabotMedia #MolotovNow #FoodNotBombs Food Not Bombs - Houston Food Not Bombs West Palm Beach Food Not Bombs Memphis Food Not Bombs - Chehalis River
#sabotmedia #molotovnow #foodnotbombs
When I was a kid we were fed propaganda about the threat of nuclear war. I went to protests and camps at several US/ UK army bases. US nuclear arms were finally removed from Lakenheath 15 years ago! They are now set to be returning, their presence will make the UK a more likely target in any nuclear war! Watch this space for protests... here we go again!!! https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/29/surety-mission-50m-airbase-project-could-pave-way-for-uk-to-host-us-nuclear-weapons #NuclearWeapons #USNuclearWeapons #FoodNotBombs #BuildCommunitiesNotBombs #NoMoreBombsInUK #US #Russia #CND #Peace
#nuclearweapons #usnuclearweapons #foodnotbombs #buildcommunitiesnotbombs #nomorebombsinuk #us #russia #cnd #peace
@foodnotbombswpb has been issued three citations for distributing food at their weekly food share along with independent journalist of WPB Government Watch.
“A disgrace to our First Amendment rights and a blatant act of cruelty” said one before vowing to fight the charges. @foodnotbombswpb has been sharing food for 16 years as direct action against war, imperialism, and capitalism.
The ordinance with which they’re being cited requires permits for events that feed 25+ people and only allows two permits per year per location. While Food Not Bombs universally stands against permits, this particular ordinance is designed to make compliance impossible and force the group to shut down.
However the community is fighting back! Students, community gardens, other Food Not Bombs chapters, journalists, socialists, and anarchists have rallied behind these food shares since the police began their campaign of harassment five months ago. Police will not be able to shut these food shares down.
Now all eyes now look to the Courts. FTL famously lost a similar case in federal court to @foodnotbombsftlauderdale and now WPB stands to as well.
There are five Food Not Bombs chapters being criminalized for sharing food in the so-called United States @foodnotbombshtx @memphisfoodnotbombs @fnbaberdeen and Food Not Bombs Las Vegas. As always, Food Not Bombs continues unabated.
Join @foodnotbombswpb food shares every Saturday at 4pm! Call WPB Government and demand a stop to these unconstitutional citations before a federal lawsuit costs the city!
#FuckPermits #Fuck12 #AbolishPolice #EndWar #AntiCapitalism #AntiImperialism #Anarchism #Socialism #MutualAidIsLove #FoodNotBombs
#fuckpermits #fuck12 #abolishpolice #endwar #anticapitalism #antiimperialism #anarchism #socialism #MutualAidIsLove #foodnotbombs
Food Not Bombs #WestPalmBeach needs your support and volunteers, especially this coming weekend. Vegetarian and Vegan food donations accepted.
If you have any questions, please email admin[at]fnbpbc[dot]org.
150 N Clematis St
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
(near the fountain)
"Food, not bombs!" Zazatecas, Mexico, giving out food parcels in solidarity with migrants passing through the city this weekend
#FoodNotBombs #Zazatecas #Mexico #migrants #train #food #directaction #1HumanFamily
#foodnotbombs #zazatecas #mexico #migrants #train #food #directaction #1humanfamily
We had LOTS of tomatoes today and had a garden sauce over spaghetti, plus roasted potatoes and a TWELVE FRUIT SALAD!!! That’s right, TWELVE DIFFERENT KINDS OF FRUIT would have gone into the trash. That’s where we come in! We make it into a delicious meal to share. Please come on out any Sunday to have a meal, grab some groceries, and talk about how to get involved! We would love to have you! And we always need more hands to make light work! See you next week!
#foodnotbombs #kansascity #kcmo #freefood #freehotmeal #solidarity #mutualaid
#foodnotbombs #kansascity #kcmo #freefood #freehotmeal #solidarity #MutualAid
"#FoodNotBombs" (#FND) wird in #Houston / #Texas (#GregAbbott-Land) zunehmend unter finanziellen Druck gesetzt, weil sie kostenloses Essen an #Obdachlose verteilen.
Diese #Petition kann auch aus DE heraus unterschrieben werden. Das tut nicht weh. Oder wenigstens boosten?
#foodnotbombs #fnd #houston #texas #gregabbott #obdachlose #petition
from @crmutualaidnet Please consider making a monthly contribution to mutual aid efforts in the area.
With funds last month we achieved the following:
-Prevented an eviction
-Assisted in repairing someone's RV
-Helped out with food budgets where EBT was insufficient
-Bought trash cans for camp
-Pizza Party for camp
-Helped DV survivor
We do all this with donations from the community like you. Even small recurring donations are impactful.
With next month's funds we hope to accomplish:
-Continued food assistance
-Help with bulk trash removal from a residence
-Help with gas money for people to get home
-Have Cash on Hand for requests
Please share! Thank you!
#MutualAid #SolidarityNotCharity #MutualAidRequest #FoodNotBombs #Fundraiser
#MutualAid #solidaritynotcharity #MutualAidRequest #foodnotbombs #fundraiser
Yet another one of the ongoing obscenties in the U.S.
In the past, I've voluteered with #FoodNotBombs by collecting, preparing, & distributing food in #SanFrancisco and #Seattle
Criminalizing the feeding of the hungry is grotesque & obscene.
We _must_ do better.
#foodnotbombs #sanfrancisco #seattle
MORE BEAUTIFUL SUMMER PRODUCE TO SHARE! And it’s a beautiful day. We’d love to have you out for a free meal today! See you at 4!
#freehotfood #foodnotbombs #mutualaid #solidarity #freegroceries #freemeal #kansascity #kcmo
#freehotfood #foodnotbombs #MutualAid #solidarity #freegroceries #freemeal #kansascity #kcmo
Please consider making a monthly contribution to mutual aid efforts in the area.
With funds last month we achieved the following:
-Prevented an eviction
-Assisted in repairing someone's RV
-Helped out with food budgets where EBT was insufficient
-Bought trash cans for camp
-Pizza Party for camp
-Helped DV survivor
We do all this with donations from the community like you. Even small recurring donations are impactful.
With next month's funds we hope to accomplish:
-Continued food assistance
-Help with bulk trash removal from a residence
-Help with gas money for people to get home
-Have Cash on Hand for requests
Please share! Thank you!
#MutualAid #SolidarityNotCharity #MutualAidRequest #FoodNotBombs #Fundraiser
#MutualAid #solidaritynotcharity #MutualAidRequest #foodnotbombs #fundraiser
@Chron @kcfoodnotbombs @memphisfoodnotbombs
Thanks. But the Memphis instagram post was about a similar incident in Memphis -- EXCEPT that the Memphis government apologized, rather than prosecuting.
Hey #tacoma people, do we have a #foodnotbombs chapter to volunteer with? It appears there is a Facebook, but
Join us at #FoodNotBombs #WestPalmBeach each Saturday ~4:30 to share food with neighbors in need.
email admin[at]fnbpbc[dot]org for more info.