競委會調查 Foodpanda 及 Deliveroo 「獨家合作條款」或違競爭法
競爭事務委員會在去年初調查外賣平台 Foodpanda 及 Deliveroo 戶戶送,或涉嫌違反競爭行為進行 […]
The post 競委會調查 Foodpanda 及 Deliveroo 「獨家合作條款」或違競爭法 appeared first on 香港 unwire.hk 玩生活.樂科技.
#科技趣聞 #Deliveroo 戶戶送 #FoodPanda
Auto-translate has been amusing us before chatGPT. "Abono" is fertilizer in Tagalog but also means to pay something for someone because that someone is unable to pay.
#Translation #Humor #FoodPanda #FoodDelivery #Apps #Funny #Languages #Tagalog #AutoTranslate #Funny
#translation #humor #foodpanda #fooddelivery #apps #funny #languages #tagalog #autotranslate
I came across 3 crashes involving scooters (motorcycles) this week in #Taiwan. How mamy of these involved food delivery drivers?
All three had #FoodPanda drivers involved, one also had an #UberEats driver in addition, and all had a regular driver as well, getting the short end of the stick.
I'm just thinking through whether or not my initial response of boycotting food delivery is rational. They do seem to so something that makes the roads less safe, one way or another.
有些 #ubereat 外送員同時是 #foodpanda 外送員的,人都還沒真正到我家公寓樓下,就先發訊息說他到了、且開始計時十分鐘,這種人我都直接一顆星🤷♂️
RT @simschaupp@twitter.com
Great talks by Riders Concern Group @RRCG_HK@twitter.com and other colleagues on the struggles of delivery platform workers in China.
Connecting workers from #DeliveryHero subsidiaries #Lieferando and #FoodPanda from Germany and China.
Lets build international exchange and solidarity! https://twitter.com/EconSociology/status/1600144708092583936
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/simschaupp/status/1601500982353227777
#foodpanda #lieferando #deliveryhero
指定送奶粉到空屋騎樓 機警外送員揪出盜刷集團 - 社會 - 自由時報電子報
RT @support_rider@twitter.com
#DeliveryHero operates under different NAMES:
#eFood in greece
#Glovo in spain
#Foodpanda in Asia (Hongkong, Maynmar, Philippines, ..)
#Mjam in Austria
#Foodora in Germany (formerly).
But everywhere it operates in the SAME MODE:
#foodora #mjam #foodpanda #glovo #efood #deliveryhero
推薦你我覺得在foodpanda上很棒的 Ok Tacos!
詭異!一直送奶粉到「空屋騎樓」 多位外送員全起疑了… - 社會 - 自由時報電子報
#foodpanda 之前那個搜括熊貓超市奶粉賣給外國還發文說可以賺多少錢的好像也是在台中?應該不是同個集團,但看來買奶粉轉賣的商機很高啊。自己是覺得這種很爛就是了。
I hate #foodpanda!
They take money from my #creditcard, put it in their so-called wallet, and from that wallet will not let me use the money to order food because they failed* to "capture [my] payment details".
My payment detail for paying for the food order was their* wallet.
They captured* my payment coz they charged* my credit card!
Been going back and forth with them. Dozens of emails. Now they tell me it's not possible to refund back to my credit card. 🤬 #scammers!
#foodpanda #creditcard #scammers
Die #foodpanda-App verhält sich so dreist, dass es selbst unter lauter Testverlierern negativ auffällt. Sie gab Namen + Kontaktdaten der Testnutzerin an Analysefirmen - zus. mit der #WerbeID. Die können so Interessenprofile einer konkreten Person zuordnen. https://mobilsicher.de/apptest/frisch-getestet-foodpanda-essen-und-lebensmittel-lieferservice-android
In this podcast, you will learn what q-commerce is and why Foodpanda is investing in Taiwan to develop its q-commerce technologies.
Vidéo : https://odysee.com/@fralibou:1/panda:9
#taiwan #q-commerce #foodpanda #fle #education #french #learningfrench #learning #法文 #法國 #學法文 #學法語 #學習 #語言 #語言學習 #法文學習 #法語學習 #台灣 #污染 #環境
#環境 #污染 #台灣 #法語學習 #法文學習 #語言學習 #語言 #學習 #學法語 #學法文 #法國 #法文 #learning #learningfrench #french #education #fle #foodpanda #q #taiwan