New floating #sea #farms could increase both #foodsecurity and #freshwater supplies
#sea #farms #foodsecurity #freshwater
An example of the week I've been having in the gardens is aptly demonstrated by this week's yield of green beans.
Last week 5 lbs. This week 1.5 lbs.
I almost pulled them up last night except that there where new leaves and beans to harvest.
Yellow stains streak most of this week's laundry, I hope they're not permanent, but are a testament to the chaos.
My foe? Click to see...
#gardening #Gardener #insect #organic #farming #FoodSecurity #volunteer
#volunteer #foodsecurity #farming #organic #insect #gardener #Gardening
The pear tree gave us a bounty of gifts this year. So far, I've made canned pears, ginger pear jam, pear juice and tomorrow I will make dehydrated pears. Free food except for the labour. (it does carry on a bit tho..) I told my 3 yr. old grandlittle I was making the jam just for him. He believed me... 🥰
#GardeningMagic #FoodPreservation #FoodSecurity #Homesteading
#gardeningmagic #foodpreservation #foodsecurity #homesteading
“‘We used to, but we don’t anymore.’ I asked him why, and he said, ‘We can’t sell it anymore because Sobeys owns the building and it’s a big moneymaker, and we’re not allowed to sell it.’”
#cdnpoli #nspoli #novascotia #foodsecurity #foodjustice #inflation #sobeys #oligarchs
#cdnpoli #nspoli #novascotia #foodsecurity #foodjustice #inflation #sobeys #oligarchs
Big Deviled Eggery produce haul to bring to the Una Vida food distribution tomorrow. Many local volunteer gardeners and gleaners are contributing! Amazingly delicious apples and Asian pears, heirloom tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash & more. #Petaluma #SonomaCounty #Gardening #FoodSecurity
#petaluma #sonomacounty #gardening #foodsecurity
"A new research project aims to introduce Indigenous seed systems to four Northern Ontario First Nations, in a move toward food sovereignty for those communities."
"Under the three-year project, researchers will work with community members to test their soil, select appropriate seed varieties, and cultivate crops to grow fresh, nutritious food, reducing their reliance on expensive, nutritionally poor store-bought items."
#indigenous #foodsecurity #bioregionalism
Mainstream liberal leaning news outlets start to give serious consideration to the idea of a "food backup plan". But the time to devise a backup plan is BEFORE PLAN A FAILS.
#collapse #headdesk #FoodJustice #FoodSecurity #Farming #agriculture #climate
#collapse #headdesk #foodjustice #foodsecurity #farming #agriculture #climate
The Nowhere Men & Women: How India Abandoned 14 Crore Citizens on a Policy Paper
The government of India runs the world’s biggest food security scheme, which provides free ration to more than 80 crore people. The scheme has won Prime Minister Narendra Modi accolades. But what if we realise that there are over 14 crore people who have been omitted from the benefit of this scheme because the government has not counted Indian citizens in over a decade? Can its intransigence break the welfare structure of governance?
#FoodSecurity #NFSA #census #WelfareSchemes #data #exclusion #RuralIndia #poverty #inequality #NarendraModi #BJP #india
#foodsecurity #nfsa #census #welfareschemes #data #exclusion #RuralIndia #poverty #inequality #narendramodi #BJP #india
14 pounds of green beans, squash, onions, and passion fruit were donated today!
That's 119 pounds of organic produce donated this summer to our local food pantry from our elementary school beds!
How amazing is that? Way to grow Lil'Vikes!
#school #SchoolGardens #gardening #food #FoodSecurity #organic #farming #teacher #volunteer #education
#school #schoolgardens #gardening #food #foodsecurity #organic #farming #teacher #volunteer #education
Nearly 30,000 households in #BritishColumbia were ordered to #evacuate following the emergence of roughly 400 #wildfires across the province. It is currently #Canada’s worst #wildfire season on record, with at least 1,000 fires burning across the country.
#flood #drought #climate #environment #watermaps #sustainability #WaterScarcity #EnvironmentalScience #freshwater #FoodScarcity #WaterSecurity #EnergySecurity #FoodSecurity #WaterNews #WSIM #Geospatial #maps
#britishcolumbia #evacuate #wildfires #canada #wildfire #flood #drought #climate #environment #watermaps #sustainability #waterscarcity #EnvironmentalScience #Freshwater #foodscarcity #watersecurity #EnergySecurity #foodsecurity #waternews #wsim #geospatial #maps
"Transformative action requires a system-based understanding."
This seems like such an obvious thing, but as we work toward a more #sustainable #FoodSystem, we forget that changing one piece of the equation affects so many others. #Biodiversity, #FoodSecurity , #rural social fabric, economics, #AnimalHealth and #AnimalWelfare .... all affected, and sometimes what is good for one is bad for another. None of us can oversee all of these effects; #interdisciplinary work is essential. 1/3
#sustainable #FoodSystem #biodiversity #foodsecurity #rural #animalhealth #AnimalWelfare #interdisciplinary
U.S. Aquifers Are Running Dry, Posing Major Threat to Drinking Water Supply
6 min video
Before aught else, we must eat. Water is also existential for everything.
When the Oglala runs dry, what then for central US farmers and the people in the towns and cities that rely on the same ground water? Are they going to move to Arizona? Texas?
#democracynow #climatechange #agriculture #foodsecurity
BBC: China’s summer of climate destruction #China #FoodSecurity #agriculture #flooding
#china #foodsecurity #agriculture #flooding
Great privilege to visit the Centre for #AgroEcology in #SantaCruz earlier this week, and learn about all its great work over the last few decades, from #AlanChadwick first start-up to today’s real commitment to providing #FoodSecurity for #UCSC students as well as employment and education work with local schools. Also really good discussion around #IndigenousKnowledge #SettlerColonialism in the context of AgroEcology. Thank you!
#agroecology #santacruz #alanchadwick #foodsecurity #UCSC #IndigenousKnowledge #settlercolonialism
My garden is just on the verge of spewing pounds and pounds and pounds of cooking apples, pears and plums. It's almost sinister.. The kitchen is going to be canning chaos in a week or two. Love autumn..
#gardening #GardeningMagic #FoodPreservation #Harvest #homesteading #FoodSecurity
#gardening #gardeningmagic #foodpreservation #harvest #homesteading #foodsecurity
One, zero, five!
One, zero, five!
Today's 10 lbs adds to our growing total bringing it to 105lbs!
We've donated 105 lbs of food to this food pantry over the course of the summer from the food beds planted this spring by our Junior Gardeners!
What an amazing achievement!
Way to grow, B's Jr G's!
#school #garden #gardening #harvest #food #FoodSecurity #volunteer #teacher #community #VikingDiff
#school #garden #gardening #harvest #food #foodsecurity #volunteer #teacher #community #vikingdiff
My #StrawberrySpinach #plants are bursting with new berries & more are ripening, daily. More back cherry #tomatoes & purple #tomatillos are ripening too 👩🌾
#zone8 #homegrown #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #FoodGardening #permaculture #GrowFoodNotLawns #FoodSecurity #vegetable #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #FoodSecurity #GrowItEatIt #FeedYourFamily #GrownFromSeed #GrowFoodNotHate #WhatsInMyGarden #LiveByYourValues #gardening #WhatIGrow
#strawberryspinach #plants #tomatoes #tomatillos #zone8 #homegrown #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #foodgardening #permaculture #growfoodnotlawns #foodsecurity #vegetable #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #growiteatit #feedyourfamily #grownfromseed #growfoodnothate #whatsinmygarden #livebyyourvalues #gardening #whatigrow
Today's #harvest 👩🌾
More strange shaped cukes, blackberries, basil, & cherry tomatoes.
#zone8 #cucumbers #blackberries #basil #tomatoes #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #FoodGardening #permaculture #GrowFoodNotLawns #FoodSecurity #vegetable #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #FoodSecurity #GrowItEatIt #FeedYourFamily #GrownFromSeed #GrowFoodNotHate #FoodHarvest #FreshHarvest #FoodFromMyYard #PlantFoods
#harvest #zone8 #cucumbers #blackberries #basil #tomatoes #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #foodgardening #permaculture #growfoodnotlawns #foodsecurity #vegetable #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #growiteatit #feedyourfamily #grownfromseed #growfoodnothate #foodharvest #freshharvest #foodfrommyyard #plantfoods
Check out my #strange #spiral shaped #homegrown #cucumber 👩🌾
It decided to wrap itself around a chopstick marker stake & kept growing around it.
Slicing it up to add to salad rolls for lunch.
#zone8 #cukes #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #FoodGardening #permaculture #GrowFoodNotLawns #FoodSecurity #vegetable #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #FoodSecurity #GrowItEatIt #FeedYourFamily #GrownFromSeed #GrowFoodNotHate #CuteFood
#strange #spiral #homegrown #cucumber #zone8 #cukes #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #foodgardening #permaculture #growfoodnotlawns #foodsecurity #vegetable #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #growiteatit #feedyourfamily #grownfromseed #growfoodnothate #cutefood
Today's harvest.
My first large #fennel bulb & a bunch of #cucamelons 👩🌾
#GrowFoodNotLawns #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #Food #GrowItEatIt #zone8 #iGrewThese #FoodGrowers #FoodSecurity #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #FoodFromMyGarden #FoodGarden #WhatsInMyGarden #FeedYourFamily #vegetables #HomegrownFood
#fennel #cucamelons #growfoodnotlawns #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #food #growiteatit #zone8 #igrewthese #foodgrowers #foodsecurity #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #foodfrommygarden #foodgarden #whatsinmygarden #feedyourfamily #vegetables #homegrownfood