I was the boss of the food shelf in Hinesburg, Vermont today. We had loads of great produce, and had to encourage people to take as much bread as they could use before it goes bad. Also, a mystery can donation... what's in it? Could it be... soup? Or maybe soup? Cream of mushroom soup? Stay tuned for the opening event #vermont #foodinsecurity #inequality #foodshelf
#vermont #foodinsecurity #inequality #foodshelf
Volunteering at the Hinesburg food shelf today. Low traffic due to it being the end of the month so we swept, scrubbed the sinks, wiped the carts and desks, bagged coffee and cat food, processed donations, and mounted a paper towel holder on the wall. We got so much surplus bread that we asked people to take as much as they could possibly eat or freeze. Extra bounty of eggs as well. #Vermont #FoodShelf #FoodInsecurity
#vermont #foodshelf #foodinsecurity
I hit up the #foodshelf! I won't be gone hungry! #foodsecurity :blob_cat_nom: