Handpicked Podcast
The Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems’ (LCSFS) podcast Handpicked: Stories from the Field explores how sustainable food system research can change how we produce, get, eat and understand our food. Each episode includes show notes, educational materials such as show notes and a glossary, and audio transcripts.
#Food #FoodStudies #HigherEd #TeachingTools #Podcasts #PodcastsAboutFood #Foodie #AcademicChatter #TeachingFood #Pedagogy
#pedagogy #teachingfood #academicchatter #foodie #podcastsaboutfood #podcasts #teachingtools #highered #foodstudies #food
A good listicle of #kitchenequipment. As ever, I consider these 'essentials' to be suggestions. If you are anything like me, there are likely must-have items you have found to suit you for making time in the kitchen more pleasant. https://www.seriouseats.com/staff-picks-kitchen-equipment-favorite-tools #foodstudies #cookery
#kitchenequipment #foodstudies #Cookery
My pediatrician esentially said the same to me as a new parent: “We know from research that the nutrition piece tends to work itself out,” she says. “If we’re serving a variety of foods, over the course of a week, kids will hit a lot of different food groups.” https://www.thecut.com/article/interview-virginia-sole-smith-parenting-fatphobia.html
#food #parenting #diet #weight #nutrition #foodstudies
My pediatrician esentially said the same to me as a new parent: “We know from research that the nutrition piece tends to work itself out,” she says. “If we’re serving a variety of foods, over the course of a week, kids will hit a lot of different food groups.” https://www.thecut.com/article/interview-virginia-sole-smith-parenting-fatphobia.html
#food #parenting #diet #weight #nutrition #foodstudies
'But as much as Italians love to nitpick the Olive Garden menu, the truth is that there's an Italian restaurant chain that's guilty of pretty much the same thing as Olive Garden'. https://www.thedailymeal.com/1255314/italy-wild-west-themed-chain-restaurant-reverse-olive-garden/ #foodstudies #dining #AmericanFood #Italy
#foodstudies #dining #americanfood #italy
'In this article I depart from a practice theoretical framework to explore how food storage practices are made meaningful and involve certain competences and materials, with focus on preparedness.' https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15528014.2021.1967643 #foodstudies #preparedness #foodstorage @ASFS_org
#foodstudies #preparedness #foodstorage
The 2023 Conference of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (@ASFS_org
) and the Agriculture, Food & Human Values Society (@afhvs_org
), hosted by Boston University’s Metropolitan College (MET) details are available now at https://sites.bu.edu/asfs2023/about-the-conference/
'In Japan, some people are having to make the swap as the country battles its worst outbreak of avian influenza on record... In short, eggs are becoming a luxury.' https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-65200999 #foodstudies #Japan #avianinfluenza #eggshortage
#foodstudies #japan #avianinfluenza #eggshortage
'...[D]id I really enjoy the food, or did the exhaustion and frustration of the theme park put me in such an emotionally fragile place that I clung to the pleasures of a milkshake?' https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/10/dining/disneyland-disney-world-restaurants-food.html #foodstudies #Disney #themeparkfood #notalgia
#foodstudies #disney #themeparkfood #notalgia
Does beer taste better in a can or a bottle? https://www.newfoodmagazine.com/news/190592/does-beer-taste-better-in-a-can-or-a-bottle/ #foodstudies #beer #cans #glass #foodscience
#foodstudies #beer #cans #glass #foodscience
'It tasted so good. Or, at least, I think it did, because it wasn’t so much eaten as deleted. Immediately, I realised the error of my ways.' https://www.theguardian.com/food/2023/mar/23/youve-never-eaten-a-banana-10-writers-face-their-fiercest-and-strangest-food-fears #foodstudies #foodaversion #taste #texture #culture
#foodstudies #foodaversion #taste #texture #culture
'Which is what makes the next bite in this cookie story so surprising: Sophia has turned vocal critic of the Girl Scout cookies. Specifically, one of the ingredients in the cookies, palm oil.' https://www.nhpr.org/nh-news/2023-03-08/why-a-cookie-recipe-made-this-nh-girl-scout-go-rogue #foodstudies #palmoil #GirlGuides #GirlScoutCookies
#foodstudies #palmoil #GirlGuides #girlscoutcookies
'Booths, the supermarket chain known as the “Waitrose of the north”, has confirmed that it is the retailer linked with a possible case of food fraud after imported beef was falsely labelled as British.' https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/mar/10/beef-falsely-labelled-as-british-investigated-by-national-food-unit #foodstudies #foodfraud #foodsafety
#foodstudies #foodfraud #foodsafety
'Food journalist Mark Schatzker argues that the highly designed flavours of those same foods have a great deal to do with why we often can't seem to have just one.... and why obesity is the defining health issue of our times.' https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-may-7-2015-1.3064589/mark-schatzker-our-flavourless-food-leads-to-unhealthy-cravings-1.3064608 #foodstudies #flavour #diet
'It isn’t just a blip. It’s a symptom of a dysfunctional food system. It’s a symptom of an overly mighty supermarket sector failing to behave like the custodian of the food supply chain it has become. And yes, it’s also a symptom of Brexit.' https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/25/you-can-blame-the-weather-and-brexit-but-theres-more-to-the-uks-food-supply-crisis #foodstudies #foodsecurity #Brexit
#foodstudies #foodsecurity #brexit
Yes, it is '...a mash up of new ideas, attention-grabbing marketing, consumer research and unconventional ways', but why? https://www.fooddive.com/news/kraft-heinz-marketing-strategy-macaroni-cheese-ice-cream/623154/ #foodstudies #foodmanufacturing #marketing
#foodstudies #foodmanufacturing #marketing
'A new Angus Reid poll found that 59 per cent of Canadians surveyed would prefer an all-inclusive, no-tipping model where staff is paid a higher wage.' https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/no-tipping-model-restaurants-1.6755944 #foodstudies #dining #hospitalityindustry #tipping #livingwage #Canada
#foodstudies #dining #Hospitalityindustry #tipping #livingwage #canada
Die Website zum interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt "Authentizität und Vertrauen bei Bio-Lebensmitteln" ist online! Mit Mitwirkung der #Kulturanthropologie Göttingen. #foodstudies #ökologisch
#Kulturanthropologie #foodstudies #okologisch