I decided to take a sabbatical on cooking after seeing one of Yeos' photos. So I've been eating mostly already prepared food, but avoiding fast food.
And today for lunch I bought 2 croissants and filled them with dark chocolate ice-cream.
It's very simple and delicious. I'm still in awe. I really encourage you to try it. 😋
Foodie Saturdays: German Husband Tries Southern Soul Food In The USA
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here at Geek
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #DeanaandPhil #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #GermanHusbandTriesSouthernSoulFoodInTheUSA #SouthernSoulFood #YouTube
#foodtalk #deanaandphil #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #germanhusbandtriessouthernsoulfoodintheusa #southernsoulfood #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: We Blind Tested 5 Jarred Sauces And Were Shocked By The Results
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#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #JarredPastaSauce #JarredSauces #SipandFeast #WeBlindTested5JarredSaucesAndWereShockedByTheResults #YouTube
#foodtalk #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #jarredpastasauce #jarredsauces #sipandfeast #weblindtested5jarredsaucesandwereshockedbytheresults #youtube
See Videos Of The 6-7lb Colossal Calzone Challenge From Tre Ragazzi’s Italian Cafe
Tre Ragazzi's Italian Cafe in Glencoe, Alabama had a unique food challenge anyone can try. In their 6-7lb Coloss
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #6-7lbColossalCalzoneChallenge #BeardMeetsFood #BrandonDaGarbageDisposalClark #CalzoneFoodChallenge #FoodChallenge #RandySantel #TreRagazzi'sItalianCafe
#foodtalk #beardmeetsfood #brandondagarbagedisposalclark #calzonefoodchallenge #foodchallenge #randysantel #treragazzi
Foodie Saturdays: Try Not To Eat: Bluey / My Little Pony
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here at Geek Alabama will make foodies out there
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #Bluey #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #MyLittlePony:FriendshipisMagic #PeopleVs.Food #TryNotToEat #YouTube
#foodtalk #bluey #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #mylittlepony #peoplevs #trynottoeat #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: Eating Everything In Super Nintendo World
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here at Geek Alabama will make
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #EatingEverythingInSuperNintendoWorld #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #OrdinaryAdventure #SuperNintendoWorld #YouTube
#foodtalk #eatingeverythinginsupernintendoworld #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #ordinaryadventure #supernintendoworld #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: These Homemade Orange Rolls Are Perfect For Easter Brunch
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food relate
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #GenevieveKo #NYTCooking #OrangeRolls #TheseHomemadeOrangeRollsArePerfectForEasterBrunch #YouTube
#foodtalk #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #genevieveko #nytcooking #orangerolls #thesehomemadeorangerollsareperfectforeasterbrunch #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: How Babish Makes His Perfect Nachos: Every Choice, Every Step
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food rela
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #AndrewRea #Epicurious #EveryChoiceEveryStep #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #HowBabishMakesHisPerfectNachos #Nachos #YouTube
#foodtalk #andrewrea #epicurious #everychoiceeverystep #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #howbabishmakeshisperfectnachos #nachos #youtube
How To Prepare Meals While Camping Like A Pro
When you are camping, you need to have all of the right supplies with you in order for the camping experience to be a great one. This means the right equipment is vital when it comes to cooking. If you are unaware of what equipment you should use while camping, we have listed
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #HowToPrepareMealsWhileCampingLikeAPro #PrepareMealsWhileCamping
#foodtalk #howtopreparemealswhilecampinglikeapro #preparemealswhilecamping
Foodie Saturdays: My Ultimate Cookie | Basics With Babish
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here at Geek Alabama will make foodies out
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #AndrewRea #BabishCulinaryUniverse #BasicswithBabish #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #MyUltimateCookie #YouTube
#foodtalk #andrewrea #babishculinaryuniverse #basicswithbabish #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #myultimatecookie #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: How Panda Express Makes 110 Million Pounds Of Orange Chicken Per Year
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Sat
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #Eater #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #HowPandaExpressMakes110MillionPoundsOfOrangeChickenPerYear #OrangeChicken #PandaExpress #YouTube
#foodtalk #eater #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #howpandaexpressmakes110millionpoundsoforangechickenperyear #orangechicken #pandaexpress #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: $2 Beef Patty Vs. $689 Lobster Tower w/ Simu Liu
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here at Geek Alabama
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #$2BeefPattyVs.$689LobsterTower #AboutToEat #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #SimuLiu #TorontoCanada #WorthIt #YouTube
#foodtalk #abouttoeat #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #simuliu #torontocanada #worthit #youtube
Spread Joy With Sendacake Butterflies
Sendacake Butterflies are a one-of-a-kind form of cake decoration that was developed in order to bring joy and beauty to any occasion that calls for a celebration. Sendacake Butterflies were named after the company that created them. They are finished with a wide variety of intricate deco
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #Sendacake #SendacakeButterflies #SpreadJoyWithSendacakeButterflies
#foodtalk #sendacake #sendacakebutterflies #spreadjoywithsendacakebutterflies
Foodie Saturdays: How New York’s Favorite Hot Dog Is Made
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here at Geek Alabama
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #HowNewYork’sFavoriteHotDogIsMade #NYTCooking #OntheJobWithPriyaKrishna #SabrettHotDogs #YouTube
#foodtalk #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #hownewyork #nytcooking #onthejobwithpriyakrishna #sabretthotdogs #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: I Ordered HelloFresh To See If It Was A Scam
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here at Geek Alabama will
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #FreshDirect #HelloFresh #IOrderedHelloFreshToSeeIfItWasAScam #ProHomeCooks #YouTube
#foodtalk #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #freshdirect #hellofresh #iorderedhellofreshtoseeifitwasascam #prohomecooks #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: Finding The Best Fish And Chips In London | Food Tours
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here at G
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #FindingTheBestFishAndChipsInLondon #FishandChips #food #FoodReviews #FoodTours #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #InsiderFood #YouTube
#foodtalk #findingthebestfishandchipsinlondon #fishandchips #food #foodreviews #foodtours #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #insiderfood #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: Craziest Stadium Foods In America (Taste Test)
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here a
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #CraziestStadiumFoodsInAmerica #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #GoodMythicalMorning #LinkNeal #RhettMcLaughlin #StadiumFoods #YouTube
#foodtalk #crazieststadiumfoodsinamerica #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #goodmythicalmorning #linkneal #rhettmclaughlin #stadiumfoods #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: A Love Letter To Good Eats
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We here at Geek Alabama will make foodies out there very happy when we feature a video or post
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #ALoveLetterToGoodEats #AltonBrown #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #GoodEats #YouTube
#foodtalk #alovelettertogoodeats #altonbrown #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #goodeats #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: I Ate Nothing But Taco Bell For 30 Days To Improve My Health
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #IAteNothingButTacoBellFor30DaysToImproveMyHealth #SamReid #TacoBell #YouTube
#foodtalk #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #iatenothingbuttacobellfor30daystoimprovemyhealth #samreid #tacobell #youtube
Foodie Saturdays: Brits Try Chick-fil-A And Waffle House For The First Time
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Foodie Saturdays will feature food related content. We
#FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #BritsTryChick-fil-A #BritsTryWaffleHouse #Chick-Fil-A #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #Jolly #WaffleHouse #YouTube
#foodtalk #britstrychick #britstrywafflehouse #chick #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #jolly #wafflehouse #youtube