Amazon Prime Gaming, annunciati i giochi gratis PC di settembre 2023
#AbsoluteTacticsDaughtersOfMercy #DexterStardustAdventuresInOuterSpace #FootballManager2023 #HundredDays #OzymandiasBronzeAgeEmpireSim #PrimeGaming #ShotgunKingTheFinalCheckmate #UnsolvedCaseMurderousScript
#absolutetacticsdaughtersofmercy #dexterstardustadventuresinouterspace #footballmanager2023 #hundreddays #ozymandiasbronzeageempiresim #PrimeGaming #shotgunkingthefinalcheckmate #unsolvedcasemurderousscript
FMJellico has posted the next installment of his Dynamo blog
#fm23 #footballmanager #FootballManager2023 #GermanFootball #fmblog #fmcontent
#fmcontent #fmblog #GermanFootball #footballmanager2023 #footballmanager #fm23
TheLastThrow has posted the next update to his #Everton series. Worth checking out!
#fm23 #footballmanager #FootballManager2023 #premierleague #fmblig #fmcontent
#fmcontent #fmblig #premierleague #footballmanager2023 #footballmanager #fm23 #everton
@CoxieFM with part 2 of his new series.
#fm23 #footballmanager #FootballManager2023 #StIves #nonleague
#nonleague #StIves #footballmanager2023 #footballmanager #fm23
@CoxieFM has released a new series with the first post being written up
#fm23 #footballmanager #FootballManager2023 #fmblog #fmcontent
#fmcontent #fmblog #footballmanager2023 #footballmanager #fm23
Been a while since we pisted/used this but due to the ongoing limitations/restrictions with Twitter it is probably time to start using it!
Will start off with this piece on training strategy from the wonderful Rensie
#footballmanager #fm23 #fmblog #FootballManager2023 #footballmanager23 #fmcontent
#fmcontent #footballmanager23 #footballmanager2023 #fmblog #fm23 #footballmanager
They put this out early this week.
Free Play Days – Conan Exiles, Manual Samuel, and Football Manager 2023 Console - Xbox Wire
#FreePlayDays #ConanExiles #ManualSamuel #FootballManager2023 #Xbox #Microsoft #GamingNews
#freeplaydays #conanexiles #manualsamuel #footballmanager2023 #xbox #microsoft #gamingnews
Wrote another #review, this time of #FootballManager2023 console edition. If you're curious as to what I think have a read - #gaming
#review #footballmanager2023 #gaming
Watched a YouTuber play a high defensive line gegenpress in #FM23 with the slowest defenders I’ve ever seen get smashed 6-0 and wonder what went wrong. YouTubers are funny #FootballManager2023 #VideoGames
Fun fact: I got the same team to top 4 season one using a preset tactic
#fm23 #footballmanager2023 #videogames
Well this is a familiar sight for anyone who followed football in the late 90s/early 00s.
I might have downloaded a retro database for #FootballManager2023. Kind of had to really as it is from when I actually watched football #FM23 #VideoGames
#footballmanager2023 #fm23 #videogames
Time for a big old #VideoGames hot take: I think it is time for sports games like #FootballManager to abandon the annual release model. I know people love to complain about it but I think a live service model would suit a game like this much better. The problem is not enough changes between release currently and we are basically paying full price for a database update and it's hard to get excited for a new game in that case. #FootballManager2023 #FM23
#videogames #footballmanager #footballmanager2023 #fm23
Another #FootballManager rant: Sports Interactive really need to change how mentality is described in the game because it is all about managing risk rather than whether a team plays defensively or more attacking but that is not clear from how it is described #FootballManager2023 #VideoGames
#footballmanager #footballmanager2023 #videogames
Ok, so, I have been playing a lot of #FootballManager2023 and it is my opinion that if Sports Interactive want to make future games realistic in terms of scouting and signing players, all attribute numbers should be hidden. If you think about it, you wouldn't be able to see a rating out of 20 for tackling if you were looking at a player in real life. #FootballManager #VideoGames
#footballmanager2023 #footballmanager #videogames
Won the title in the 2nd season using a low block counter attack tactic. Let the #gegenpress meta die in a fire.
#footballmanager2023 #gegenpress
I got sacked by Hertha Berlin in #FootballManager2023 and am now at Lleida in the spanish lower leagues
I got sacked by Hertha Berlin in #FootballManager2023 and am now at Lleida in the spanish lower leagues
Every year I say “I’m not buying Football Manager this year”, and every year I get sucked down the rabbit hole #FootballManager2023 #VideoGames
#footballmanager2023 #videogames
Every year I say “I’m not buying Football Manager this year”, and every year I get sucked down the rabbit hole #FootballManager2023 #VideoGames
#footballmanager2023 #videogames
So I have spent some time with #FootballManager2023 and I can categorically say that I am damn sick of seeing that formation with three at the back, 2 wing backs and 2 defensive midfielders that every opposition manager seems to play regardless of the team. Chelsea plays it, Spurs play it, pretty sure I even saw Man City play it. #VideoGames
#footballmanager2023 #videogames
So I have spent some time with #FootballManager2023 and I can categorically say that I am damn sick of seeing that formation with three at the back, 2 wing backs and 2 defensive midfielders that every opposition manager seems to play regardless of the team. Chelsea plays it, Spurs play it, pretty sure I even saw Man City play it. #VideoGames
#footballmanager2023 #videogames