Today's 52km was between Rutherglen and Wangaratta, via Boorhaman - a bit more indirect than the other rides between Rutherglen and Wangaratta that I've done in the last few months and was about 10km longer. It was the longest Kickbike Ride I've done in the last 2 months, and possibly the longest Kickbike I've done so far this year.

#kickbike #ride #footbike #kickbiking #footbiking #kickbikesportg4 #exercise #cycling #countryside

Last updated 1 year ago

Today's 44.8km started in Wodonga and passed through Barnawatha, Cornishtown, and ended in Rutherglen. Most of the ride was in a setting with , and either nearby or in the distance. The weather was about perfect for cycling, about 18°C, blue skies, and a light tailwind most of the time. Roads were asphalt and gravel / dirt, with not much traffic.

#kickbike #ride #rural #farmland #mountains #footbike #footbiking #kickbiking #kickbikesportg4 #cycling #bluesky #exercise

Last updated 1 year ago

Flow Footbike · @FFootbike
47 followers · 54 posts · Server

Heute war ich auf Besuch bei Freunden.
So traf mein FOOTBIKE auf ein CARGOBIKE. Ein M-I-B-O REVOO mit zwei 28# Laufrädern, begegnete ein PRO-BULLITT-X mit einer um 220mm längeren Ladefläche. Ich glaube, es wird Zeit wieder im Großen zu denken!!!

#kolobezka #tretroller #trottinette #monopattino #footbike #FootbikeBerlin #FastFootBike #miboscooters #ohnepedale #verkehrswende #verkehrswendeberlin #commute #cargobike #lastenrad #bullittbike #gobig

Last updated 1 year ago

Flow Footbike · @FFootbike
47 followers · 54 posts · Server

Auf nur EINEM Tretroller mit dem Kind zur Kita? Wie geht das?
Mit diesem wunderbaren Kindertritt! Kind steht etwas erhöht und kann sich somit gut am Lenker festhalten, während mann/frau genug Platz für die Füße hat, um ohne Einschränkung kicken zu können. Probiert es aus!

#kolobezka #tretroller #trottinette #monopattino #footbike #FootbikeBerlin #FastFootBike #miboscooters #ohnepedale #verkehrswende #verkehrswendeberlin #commute #adventurekids #urbankids

Last updated 1 year ago

Map and photos of today's 41km between Rutherglen and Wangaratta. Includes a photo of a Vline Vlocity train near Bowser.

I bettered the ride I did back in May between Rutherglen and Wangaratta by at least 5 minutes (probably closer to 10 minutes as today's ride was longer distance and was 5 minutes shorter), and about 1kph higher avg speed.

#kickbike #ride #kickbikesportg4 #footbike #kickbiking #footbiking #exercise #countryside #farmland #strava #stravacycling #vline #vlocity #victoriantrains #trains

Last updated 1 year ago

Tobias Haase · @tohaase
5 followers · 18 posts · Server

@ber Viele Grüße zurück ins Löwenland. 🙃

Da schau an, das freut mich aber. Ist immer schwierig das Gefährt zu taggen, aber scheint mir verkehrt, wäre noch korrekt aber weniger verbreitet und da sich aktuell als gängig etabliert, habe ich dieses gewählt.

Im Anhang mal ein Foto meiner beiden . 😊

#roller #Kickbike #footbike #tretroller

Last updated 1 year ago

This afternoon's - 21km, beautiful cloudless blue sky, but cool. Plenty of dirt roads with little traffic.

#kickbike #ride #cycling #exercise #footbike #kickbikesportg4

Last updated 1 year ago

Flow Footbike · @FFootbike
42 followers · 50 posts · Server

Michal Veselský und Andreas Böhm sind aktuell die Helden des Rollersports.
Sie haben die Entfernung Wien - Berlin in unglaublichen 30, bzw. 34 Stunden bewältigt!
Von nun an schmückt ihr Foto unsere Auslage und somit wird die Geschichte von 2023 hier weitererzählt.

#kickdistance #kolobezka #tretroller #trottinette #monopattino #footbike #FootbikeBerlin #ohnepedale

Last updated 1 year ago

Flow Footbike · @FFootbike
42 followers · 50 posts · Server

Darf ich vorstellen, neu in unserem Sortiment, JACK THE RACK! Bisher konnten wir für unsere 16 Zoll Tretroller keine Gepäckträger anbieten.
Dieser Lenkergepäckträger lässt sich unabhängig von der jeweiligen Laufradgröße verwenden und ist ohne Werkzeug montierbar.

#kolobezka #tretroller #trottinette #monopattino #footbike

Last updated 1 year ago

On today's 14km I reached Schongau and Hohenfurch on The Conqueror Challenges Romantic Road virtual .

Located along the River Lech is the new town of Schongau. Although it is over 700 years old, the original Schongau used to be a few miles to the northeast of the current town. Sometime in the 13th century a large number of residents moved from the old Schongau and established a new settlement. When they left they took the town’s name with them.

On the banks of Schönach River sits the rural village of Hohenfurch and its 1500 residents. The village is surrounded by expansive meadows and forests and it is a holiday destination for those who enjoy a variety of activities such as hiking, cycling, horse riding and cross-country skiing to name a few. South of the village on a hill is the charming Gothic Chapel of St Ursula. Built around 1520 the chapel was dedicated to St Ursula, the patron saint of raftsmen.

#kickbike #ride #challenge #romanticroad #germany #europe #footbike #kickbiking #footbiking #cycling #exercise #virtualchallenge

Last updated 1 year ago

On today's 21km I reached Landsberg on @the_conqueror_challenges Romantic Road virtual . I'm now completed over 80% of the challenge.

The picturesque town of Landsberg located on the River Lech was once a major salt route in the middle ages. In the same fashion as Friedberg it collected salt duties as a source of income and later added river taxes.

The town is a collection of pastel coloured buildings but the most impressive is the ornately decorated old town hall. Built in the 1700’s the building is three storeys high with a richly detailed stucco façade. The windows increase in size with each floor indicating the importance of the rooms behind them. The first two floors display significant paintings by Herkomer whilst the third floor is a ballroom with frescoes depicting the town’s history.

#kickbike #ride #challenge #romanticroadgermany #germany #europe #footbike #kickbiking #footbiking #exercise #cycling #virtualchallenges

Last updated 1 year ago

Flow Footbike · @FFootbike
41 followers · 46 posts · Server

Der Erste Michal Veselský und der Zweite Andreas Böhm gemeinsam vor dem Brandenburger Tor. Unbegreiflich wie frisch sie nach einer solchen Leistung aussehen.

#kickdistance #tretroller #kolobezka #footbike

Last updated 1 year ago

Flow Footbike · @FFootbike
41 followers · 46 posts · Server

Andreas Böhm biegt hier gerade Unter den Linden als zweiter in die Zielgerade ein.

#kickdistance #tretroller #kolobezka #footbike

Last updated 1 year ago

Flow Footbike · @FFootbike
40 followers · 44 posts · Server

Guido heute Morgen in Bautzen. Alle sind gut durch die Nacht gekommen.

#kickdistance #kolobezka #tretroller #footbike

Last updated 1 year ago

On today's 18km I reached Friedberg on @the_conqueror_challenges Romantic Road virtual .

Only 8km from Augsburg is the town of Friedberg. It was founded in the mid-13th century by the Bavarian Duke Ludwig II to protect the salt route and the borders against the powerful neighbouring Augsburgers who at the time wanted their territory across the River Lech.

#kickbike #ride #challenge #exercise #footbike #kickbiking #footbiking #cycling #romanticroadgermany #germany #europe #virtualchallenges

Last updated 1 year ago

Flow Footbike · @FFootbike
40 followers · 43 posts · Server

2023, ohne Unterbrechung von Wien nach Berlin, ist heute am Stephansdom gestartet. Wir erwarten die ersten morgen ab 13:00 Uhr am Brandenburger Tor in Berlin! Viel Glück! Trhni si nohou!

#kickdistance #tretroller #kolobezka #footbike

Last updated 1 year ago

On today's 10.3km I reached Augsburg on The Conqueror Challenges Romantic Road virtual .

Augsburg is one of the oldest cities in Germany, it is the third biggest city in Bavaria with a population of 300,000 residents (885,000 if you include the metro area) and a university town. Founded in 15BC by the Romans, it was named August Vindelicorum after Emperor Augustus. The city was home to the noble families Fugger and Welser who controlled European banking in the 16th century. The Water Management System of Augsburg became a UNESCO site in 2019.

#kickbike #ride #challenge #exercise #footbike #kickbiking #footbiking #virtualchallenges #romanticroadgermany #germany #europe

Last updated 1 year ago

On today's 14.4km I reached Rain on The Conqueror Challenges Romantic Road virtual .

Rain is a small town of 8,800 residents located near the River Lech. It was founded in the mid-13th century for strategic purposes. Protecting Bavaria from the northwest, Rain was also a collection point for customs from those crossing the bridge over the river.

The Battle of Rain took place in 1632 during the Thirty Years’ War. The battle was between the Swedish Protestant army and the Catholic League (a Holy Roman Empire coalition) commanded by the Count of Tilly. During the battle Tilly and his second in command were severely injured, leaving the army leaderless. The army withdrew and shortly after Tilly died from his wound. A monument commemorating Tilly was erected in 1914 in front of the Town Hall.

#kickbike #ride #challenge #romanticroad #germany #europe #virtualchallenges #footbike #kickbiking #footbiking #cycling #exercise

Last updated 1 year ago

On today's 29km I reached Harburg & Donauwörth on The Conqueror Challenges Romantic Road virtual .

The small medieval village of Harburg is located in the Bavarian region of Swabia. It has a population of 5,500 residents and it sits between the banks of Wörnitz River and the castle hill with Harburg Castle rising above it. Its origins date back to the 12th century when it was owned by the Hohenstaufen family, a noble dynasty that rose to rule the Holy Roman Empire during the Middle Ages (1138-1254).

Donauwörth sites at the confluence of the Wörnitz and the Danube Rivers sits. It began as a fishing settlement around the 10th century. The old town is located on an island surrounded by Wörnitz River and connected to the rest of the city by a wooden bridge via the oldest surviving town gate known as the Riedertor. Right through the centre of the old town runs Reichstrasse, a street lined with colourful houses built over multiple levels that were once homes to the nobility.

#kickbike #ride #challenge #romanticroadgermany #germany #exercise #footbike #kickbiking #footbiking #cycling #virtualchallenges #europe

Last updated 1 year ago