C. · @cazabon
160 followers · 3876 posts · Server mindly.social

I think said something to the effect of, you can't show the a , act of in Act One unless the can shoot itself in the foot with it in Act Three.

@techdirt @CrazyITGuy42

#chekov #audience #performative #senseless #parliament #government #c18 #footgun #antonchekov #bigtech #dinosaurmedia #techdirt #linktax

Last updated 1 year ago

C. · @cazabon
158 followers · 3610 posts · Server mindly.social


A whole lot more about this proposal would certainly be welcome. But I don't have high hopes for that; the "New Google", with its self-destructive and (at least in appearance) anti-user decisions, doesn't seem to want to effectively with the public.

#transparency #communicate #newgoogle #footgun #unforcederror

Last updated 1 year ago

C. · @cazabon
142 followers · 2900 posts · Server mindly.social

@KuJoe Interesting.

I wonder what the reasoning behind it is. It does seem very much like a scenario.


Last updated 1 year ago

C. · @cazabon
130 followers · 2480 posts · Server mindly.social


This seems to be a common thread among the incidents they've been experiencing for years. They don't seem to consider how a product , , , major UI , or some other action will look from the user's point of view.

Are they just taking the for ? Pure obliviousness? Management incentives that discourage it?

A lot of the time I think I'd like to be a fly on the wall when these decisions are being made.

#footgun #shutdown #rename #launch #change #userbase #granted #google

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim @toolbear@ Taylor · @toolbear
300 followers · 3879 posts · Server union.place

In a "winner takes all" two-party political system you cannot in good faith run as a . You ARE splitting the vote and you MUST know that already, otherwise you're a political rube who has no place in high office [1].

voting or similar schemes address this. You need that in place FIRST.


- - -

[1]: absolutely true for national races; likely true but contextual for state races; more of a heuristic for local races

#thirdparty #rankedchoice #peoplesparty #footgun

Last updated 1 year ago

Andy Cowell · @vt102
19 followers · 45 posts · Server awscommunity.social

It reminds me of how Google/Stack Overflow have been used in the past. In the hands of an unskilled person, it's going to greatly accelerate the . For a more skilled person, it can help you get past some of the drudgery.


Last updated 2 years ago

Beekir · @beekir
12 followers · 230 posts · Server indieweb.social

@stairjoke Oh, darn!

Maybe I'll move my personal while I'm at it!


Last updated 2 years ago

Sebastian Dröge 🍵 · @slomo
648 followers · 1637 posts · Server toot.cat

PSA: Did you know that function argument evaluation order in C is undefined, and gcc / clang are actually doing the opposite of each other?

I did, but that knowledge didn't make today's debugging session much shorter and less puzzling.

The starting point was that the same code worked fine on Linux but doesn't work on macOS. Nothing system-specific anywhere near the error.

As it turns out, somewhere deep down there was some code relying on a specific argument evaluation order. Something in the shape of

copy(reader_read_data(r, reader_get_remaining(r)), reader_get_remaining(r));

With gcc this copied the remaining amount of data, with clang this silently copied nothing. gcc is evaluating arguments right-to-left, clang left-to-right. So clang was first advancing the cursor to the end, and then the remaining amount of data was actually 0.

Should you write such code? No. Does it make sense for the code to behave differently with different, well-behaving compilers? Also no.

The code in question did not cause any compiler warnings, and no static code analyser I tried (including coverity) detected it either.

Fortunately another thing Rust got right: argument evaluation is explicitly defined as left-to-right.

And this is just one of the parts of C with undefined, unspecified or implementation-defined behaviour. Far too many footguns to keep in mind to realistically avoid having one or another showing up somewhere sooner or later.

#c #programming #bug #footgun #rustlang

Last updated 2 years ago

· @martenson
120 followers · 102 posts · Server mastodon.world

TIL -- don't arm your users with it


Last updated 2 years ago

Kuba =)K · @kuba
21 followers · 98 posts · Server ruby.social

@joeldrapper I would feel quite uncomfortable with this one, as it gives unlimited power to anyone being able to schedule job or create a record in ?redis? Not expecting it to be probable, but once it happen, ...


Last updated 2 years ago

Banjos & Such · @mayor
157 followers · 2117 posts · Server banjo.town

:unsure_fry: Not sure if spokeshave difficulties are due to dull blade and inexperience, or spokeshave being a cheap piece of junk. Probably a little of both. (I bought it from Grizzly Industrial and wouldn't have spent more then twenty bucks in 2006 dollars on it)

My sharpening stones are a mess, seeing if I can clean/recondition them is a whole other yak shaving expedition I could go on.

Meanwhile, a cheap rasp worked pretty well to rough out the neck. I got it halfway cleaned up starting with 80 grit sandpaper before the mosquitoes chased me inside... there are still some pretty deep gouges but hopefully sanding will go quickly when I'm not being eaten alive.

Realized a major : Because my box lid is like 5/8" tall and the neck is only about 1 1/2" deep, my plan to attach the neck with two lag bolts is not going to work.

But, hopefully I can salvage it by putting a notch in the approprate place in the box lid. (I don't think I described the issue very well, but it will be apparent when I photograph that step.

#cbg #footgun

Last updated 3 years ago

Yellow Flag · @WPalant
651 followers · 2784 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Of course this extension "forgot" to isolate their content in an iframe, so websites can manipulate it and read out data at will. There is really a pattern here. The extension APIs encourage falling into that trap by being so inflexible.

#infosec #security #footgun

Last updated 6 years ago

Yellow Flag · @WPalant
651 followers · 2784 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Came across a which, instead of using browser action pop-up, will inject its "pop-up" into arbitrary websites. The reason: opening it from context menu occasionally. @MozillaSec@twitter.com and @GoogleChrome@twitter.com, is a programmatic way to open pop-ups really too much to ask?

#browser #extension #infosec #security #footgun

Last updated 6 years ago

David Bremner · @bremner
392 followers · 2867 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

I had a bug in my (jasmine) test suite where I wrote


instead of

let foo=require(...).foo;

Instead of failing or generating a warning, this generated coverage errors in a different module, that took an hour or so to understand.

#footgun #javascript

Last updated 6 years ago