I had my first session of dry needling this morning. I hope it will help my foot pain, but we'll see. So far though, I can now feel a few square inches around my new left knee that I haven't been able to feel for 2 years. So it shook something in there loose.
National health insurance with preventive and complimentary care is great and everyone should have it!
#DryNeedling #Acupuncture #ChineseMedicine #KneeReplacement #FootPain #ChronicPain
#dryneedling #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #kneereplacement #footpain #chronicpain
Noooo I've been rehabbing a foot injury (plantar plate nonsense) for over 6 months and I stepped wrong this morning before I was even dressed and felt that slight tweak that means Here We Are Again 😬😬😬
Folks, I think we should serious reconsider this whole bipedal thing.
#chronicpain #injury #footpain
Exercises for Turf Toe
#turftoe #footinjury #footpain #footrehab #toesprain #yoga #yogaforfeet
#yogaforfeet #yoga #toesprain #footrehab #footpain #footinjury #turftoe