The first image shows the "2.5 km veloway above Footscray Road" as open, safe, inviting. But that's not the one that will be built. The dark, claustrophobic tunnel in the second image is what we're going to get. Women are going to avoid this path. I probably will too. Definitely wouldn't risk it at night. #FootscrayRoad @nathanpittman @yarrabike
Two of these three "artist's impressions" of the new Footscray Road "Veloway" look really nice. Guess which is the one that is going to be built? #FootscrayRoad @nathanpittman
RT (I'm trying to get them on Mastodon).
Another close call on Footscray Road.
Frightening footage that demonstrates just how bad the Dock Link Rd intersection is.
Who will take responsibility to fix it? vicroads or WestGateTunnel?
#victoria #westgatetunnel #vicroads #bicycles #cycling #safety #safestreets #urbanism #melbourne #footscrayroad #bikewest
#victoria #WestGateTunnel #vicroads #bicycles #cycling #safety #safestreets #urbanism #melbourne #footscrayroad #bikewest