Love this on the air essay by a high school student about connecting with nature and her community in San Francisco via seaweed foraging!
#KQEDPerspectives #WithAPerspective #SanFrancisco #seaweed #foragingecology #foraging #SeaForager #Nori #kelp #marineecology #mavericks #beachcombing #teenager
#kqedperspectives #withaperspective #sanfrancisco #seaweed #foragingecology #foraging #seaforager #nori #kelp #marineecology #Mavericks #beachcombing #teenager
Today, our (@freelyflyingbee@Twitter and mine) first PhD student Brad Ohlinger successfully defended his thesis. He worked on costs and gains in honey bee foraging, and how to use the waggle dance to study these. He has won multiple awards for his talks, so it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. We will miss him sorely, but we are also looking forward to read about his new adventures.
#honeybees #waggledance #foragingecology