Today is a good day to try. #CreateIt22
#writersblock #writingcommunity #forartists #artistsofmastodon #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writersblock #writingcommunity #forartists #artistsofmastodon #writersofmastodon
Want to get past the fear of disapproval?
Want to figure out WHAT isn't working?
Want to grow as an artist?
Learn to do it wrong. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
It's time to form the habit of creation.
It's time to train your body and brain to show up on command so you can create.
That means it's time to create - even when you don't feel like it.#CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
Creative, your brain lies. How do I know it lies?
"You always..."
"You never..."
Imposter syndrome can't just be turned off - but you don't have to let it take root. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
Are you a fast creator?
Are a slow creator?
As long as you CREATE, it does not matter. All progress is progress, friend. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
It's easy to get overwhelmed when we think of our art because it's the END goal.
It's the result of hours of work and days of concentration.
You don't have to reach that end goal right now. You only need to take the next bite. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
I have SO little time today, so you get a montage. Also, goofy music.
Make something new, creatives! I am cheering you on. #CreateIt22
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#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
I know it's scary right now. A.I., about industry changes and gatekeeping all feel overwhelming.
None of that means you can't get your stuff out there.
creative, you will ALWAYS have a way to share your work. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
You do not have to earn self-care, any more than a plant has to "earn" being watered.
Here's how to manage self-care in a busy, hungry world that wants to eat you, your money, and your time. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
Creative, sometimes, you've been blocked for so long that trying to make art leaves you feeling physically ill.
You can heal.
You can move past that.
Creating with joy is not out of your reach. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
Are you alive?
Watching this on a screen?
Then, creative, it is NOT too late. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
Creative, that little bit of progress cost you.
It cost you time. It cost you energy. It cost you rearranging your schedule.
That little bit of progress? Is WORTH celebrating. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
It's worth pushing forward, creative.
Even when you're tired. Even when you're empty.
All progress is progress - even if you're woozy from Benadryl. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
You can do this.
Your idea is worth it.
YOU are worth it.
You are not alone, creative.
You can do this. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
Plans are good to have, but they are tools - and sometimes tools break.
When your plan fails, you're going to be okay. You're still on the path. Your talent is still there. Your future is still open.
Plans fail. You can always make another. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
Creative, you can do one thing.
One word.
One note.
One circle.
Don't let a hard day (week, month, year, life) stop you from moving forward. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
What do you do when you can't think of what to create?
Here are three simple tips to get your creativity flowing. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
Creative, did you "fail" when you learned to ride a bike and fell? No. You got up and kept pedaling.
THAT is how art works. #CreateIt22
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#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
Creative, "learn from" is not the same as "compare to."
You might as well compare a kitten to a chain-link fence. You can't compare your art to anyone else's because your paths are not the same. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
Today is the day my mom passed away, a few years ago, so I'm giving you the advice I give myself every time this year:
Feel what you're feeling... then get up and walk. #CreateIt22
#writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon
#createit22 #writingcommunity #artistsoninstagram #creativehelp #encouragement #forwriters #forartists #artistsofmasto #writersofmastodon