"In numerous States, individuals and communities are denied their fundamental rights to their religious or belief identities from the day they are born", writes
Nazila Ghanea, UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief #FoRB https://www.un.org/en/un-chronicle/making-freedom-religion-or-belief-lived-reality-threats-and-opportunities
#IPPFORB, den förkortningen vet ni förmodligen vad den står för?
Det är 'The International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief' d.v.s. parlamentariker från en rad länder som arbetar tillsammans för att stärka religions- och övertygelsefriheten internationellt.
Nu har de startat en podd!
Första avsnittet: 'Navigating Human Rights with Prof. Dr. Heiner Bielefedt' #FoRB https://www.ippforb.com/podcast/2023/8/10/podcast-forb-and-politics
Very honoured to be speaking next Wednesday 24 May at @HJS_Org alongside my friends and heroes @tariqahmadbt @MahmutRahima and the wonderful Bishop of Truro, about #FoRB around the world Please join us https://henryjacksonsociety.org/event/faith-in-freedom-what-next-for-britains-role-in-promoting-international-freedom-of-religion-or-belief/ https://nitter.hongkongers.net/benedictrogers/status/1659312938912546825#m
@tariqahmadbt RT by @benedictrogers: My best wishes to everyone celebrating Easter this weekend. A time of hope and renewal, Easter is also a moment to remember that not everyone is free to worship or exercise their beliefs. The UK will continue to champion the right to freedom of religion or belief globally #FoRB https://nitter.hongkongers.net/tariqahmadbt/status/1644776460215779332#m
Peacemakers Trust has been posting news & information about religion & peacebuilding, including #FoRB, on twitter since 2009. We plan to continue to post news, reports, & information here. Posts here are made by @cmorris, managing director of Peacemakers Trust @peacemakers_ca. While we are not posting to twitter at this time, we continue to draw on info posted to relevant twitter accounts listed at https://nitter.net/i/lists/1616903074957914114. Inclusion on that list is for research, not endorsement.
Islamic Republic Of Iran To Criminalize Comments On Social Networks | IranWire
https://iranwire.com/en/politics/113251-islamic-republic-of-iran-to-criminalize-comments-on-social-networks/ #Iran #Freedex #FoRB
#Ukraine: "46-year-old Christian, Vitaly Alekseenko, expects to…begin his 1-year jail term... On 16 January… [the] Appeal Court rejected his appeal against his conviction for refusing call up to the military on conscientious grounds... [Written verdict due 24 January]… When Forum 18 asked the official why Alekseenko could not have been assigned an alternative civilian service…say at a hospital, the official did not explain why…” | Forum 18 https://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2803 #FoRB #ConscientiousObjection
#ukraine #forb #conscientiousobjection
CSW has a website on freedom of religion or belief in #China. See The China Corner at https://www.thechinacorner.org/ #FoRB
Peacemakers Trust has been posting news and information about religion and peacebuilding, including #FoRB on twitter since 2009. We plan to continue to post news, reports, and information here. Posts here are made by @cmorris, managing director of Peacemakers Trust @peacemakers_ca. To see posts from relevant twitter accounts, visit our twitter list at https://nitter.net/i/lists/1616903074957914114.
From Sara Wahedi: “Mursal Nabizada was a member of the Afghan parliament. She stayed in Afghanistan. She did not leave after the #Taliban took over the country.
MP Nabizada was shot dead in her home today.
Afghanistan is hell on earth for women.” https://nitter.net/sarawahedi/status/1614738740869578758?s=12&t=Bkeq_V-xRZWjpKqkw5BO- #MursalNabizada #WomensRights #FoRB
#taliban #mursalnabizada #womensrights #forb
From Sara Wahedi: “Mursal Nabizada was a member of the Afghan parliament. She stayed in Afghanistan. She did not leave after the #Taliban took over the country.
MP Nabizada was shot dead in her home today.
Afghanistan is hell on earth for women.” https://nitter.net/sarawahedi/status/1614738740869578758?s=12&t=Bkeq_V-xRZWjpKqkw5BO-#MursalNabizada #WomensRights #FoRB
#taliban #mursalnabizada #womensrights #forb
Peacemakers Trust has been posting news and information about religion and peacebuilding, including #FoRB on twitter since 2009. We plan to continue to post news, reports, and information here. Posts here are made by @cmorris, managing director of Peacemakers Trust @peacemakers_ca
Peacemakers Trust has been posting news and information about religion and peacebuilding, including #FoRB on twitter since 2009. We plan to continue to post news, reports, and information here.
A Hamline Adjunct Showed a Painting of the Prophet Muhammad. She Lost Her Job. ‘The painting shown in…[the] class is in one of the earliest Islamic illustrated histories of the world…written during the 14th century… There are, however, a range of beliefs. Some Muslims distinguish between respectful depictions & mocking caricatures, while others do not subscribe to the restriction at all. | Vimal Patel, NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/08/us/hamline-university-islam-prophet-muhammad.html #FoRB #FoE #AcademicFreedom
Peacemakers Trust has been posting news and information about religion and peacebuilding, including #FoRB on twitter since 2009. We plan to continue to post information here.
A Hamline Adjunct Showed a Painting of the Prophet Muhammad. She Lost Her Job. ‘The painting shown in…[the] class is in one of the earliest Islamic illustrated histories of the world…written during the 14th century… There are, however, a range of beliefs. Some Muslims distinguish between respectful depictions & mocking caricatures, while others do not subscribe to the restriction at all. | Vimal Patel, NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/08/us/hamline-university-islam-prophet-muhammad.html #FORB #FoE #AcademicFreedom
Uyghur Muslim preacher confirmed dead in prison in #China’s #Xinjiang [#Uyghur region]. “Omar Huseyin, 55…preacher…in Korla…[was] apprehended…in…2017 amid a widespread crackdown on Islamic clergy…for traveling to…Mecca in 2015…. The political commissar refused to provide [RFA with list of inmates who died in 2021/2022]. A district policeman later confirmed that Huseyin…died on Feb 2. | RFA
https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/omar-huseyin-12282022174838.html #FoRB
#china #xinjiang #uyghur #forb