We're hiring at #ForbesBiologicalStation looking for 1-2 technicians for this fall to work on a variety of projects including catching ducks, and working with automated recording units.
$16/hour with paid overtime, cheap housing available on site.
More details here:
#forbesbiologicalstation #ornithology #jobs #fieldtechs
121 more scaup banded today along the Ilinois River!
Closing in on 1000 (709 as of today) which is our annual spring migration goal along the Illinois.
Scaup banding is happening!
We mostly catch Lesser Scaup here along the Illinois River but today we caught a Great Scaup!
Hi All I'm Auriel (she/her) I'm an ecologist who mostly studies wetland #birds and #wetlands themselves, especially rails and waterfowl. #ornithology
I also do a fair bit of #decisionscience and #structureddecisionmaking work mostly focused on #naturalresource questions
I run #ForbesBiologicalStation which is a part of the Illinois Natural History Survey who I work for.
I'm also 2nd VP for @WilsonOrnithSoc where I'm working to make the society more inclusive
I also do work on unpaid labor
#birds #wetlands #ornithology #decisionscience #structureddecisionmaking #naturalresource #forbesbiologicalstation