@katow @blacklight The only 100% absolute way to secure financial data from data breaches is to not collect the data in the first place. #ForcedBanking imposes that collection. Cash is the only fool-proof means to data protection.
The general public sees the #WarOnCash as a move against criminals w/out noticing that it actually creates vulnerabilities by which cyber criminals thrive.
War on cash is war on #privacy in may respects.
#forcedBanking #waroncash #privacy
There should be a big conversations about /new/ issues.. like #forcedBanking, #warOnCash, gov-imposed nonfree software, anti-bot tech that’s actually anti-human (#CAPTCHA), AI fucking over humanity… All sidelined to regress & fight republicans for more basic rights.
#forcedBanking #waroncash #captcha
@baslow Cash is a great option but it’s losing the #WarOnCash. And it will be eliminated. That leaves banking, cryptocurrency, & bartering. When I say #forcedBanking I mean to include CUs. CUs have many of the same problems¹ as banks & they bring some new problems. ① https://thefreeworld.noblogs.org/post/2022/06/28/24-problems-solved-by-cryptocurrency
@vfrmedia @TaxDan @ajroach42 I think social media debates can give some interesting insights that you may not be expecting. E.g. although I’m mostly liberal, I’ve noticed that my pro- #cryptocurrency stance (as a consequence of being anti- #forcedBanking) is largely supported by rt-wing conservatives & mostly condemned by other liberals. It forces me to look at where the inconsistencies of values are.
#cryptocurrency #forcedBanking
@twann We can prolong the war on cash, but we cannot stop it. We will eventually lose that war. In fact we already lost that war in some regions. Losing the war on cash isn’t the end of the fight though. The question is: do we allow a cashless society to be that of forced banking, or not? #ForcedBanking is the ultimate loss of both privacy & freedom. Thus #cryptocurrency is paramount.
#forcedBanking #cryptocurrency
@twann #SourceHut says they will use discretion. It’s unclear why SourceHut doesn’t see #forcedBanking as a generally bad idea, but at least you can ask permission. Sourcehut also says: “Projects which seek out #cryptocurrency donations are strongly discouraged from doing so”, which is the same as saying “we would like you to force your donors to be made dependent on banks”.
#sourcehut #forcedBanking #cryptocurrency
So I heard that some #cryptocurrency exchangers are not only demanding proof of ID, but the ID of the person that the money is going /to/. This is like an ATM machine asking you predict who you will be giving cash to. What if you are paying ransom? You probably don’t know the ID of the recipient. #forcedBanking
#cryptocurrency #forcedBanking