A pact also, that whenever a "news article" mentions "x (formally [Turdsite])", to stop reading the article.

Seriously, there can be nothing important after that.

#corporatemedia #forcedNews #TurdSite #xurdsite

Last updated 1 year ago

Didn't they try to label ex-Labour leader, , as anti-semitic to kill his chances of getting the top job?

Pretty sure is not in any way in anyway.

#nigelfarage #rfk #antisemitic #frkjr #robertfkennedy #narratives #forcedNews

Last updated 1 year ago

This ^^^

And "" for who? A -obsessed deathcult?

People are not believing the drones anymore. People are seeking out the foreign media sources.

A latest wheeze from our corporateMouthPiece is that pension funds will need to be over seen by a new body that ensures are investing in things that will increase in value.

They literally put this in their news.

Its the , how long we let this go on is entirely up to us.

#progress #finance #forcedNews #investors #blindLeadingTheAware

Last updated 2 years ago

According to 's National Broadcaster, the , there are people "posing as " "sowing doubt" in the West that serves .

Waddayaknow apparently providing facts sows doubt on the validity of the narratives.

PS. they also think its totally fine to joke about bombing China too btw.

#australia #abc #factcheckers #enemyRussia #forcedNews #russiaphobia #YellowPeril #totallyfine

Last updated 3 years ago

Of course a Chief and dissenting voice who bravely spoke up against the narrative twenty years ago, would be banned on .

He saw past the narrative about .

Take out the popcorn.

Watch your life crackle, pop and fizzle, friends. Because its 2022 and too many dipsticks don't realise they need to GetOut of .

#un #WeaponsInspector #WMD #birdsite #forcedNews #Bucha #TurdSite

Last updated 3 years ago

Now our Senate voting process has a arbitrary, obtuse call to number at least 6 parties above the line.

They could have done this while retaining , but they didn't because anyone who looks at how preferences flow will tell you that numbering only 6 parties will steer votes towards the two .

The media are trained not to draw attention to things like that.

Divide the peoples' for minor parties — and rule.

#PartyPreferences #majorParties #forcedNews #votes

Last updated 3 years ago

Just part of a much larger war that they are doing against any alternative to USD (BTC). They'll never admit that, like they never admit they killed Gaddafi for trying to unite Africa with a new currency.

People who buy into this crap, created by NATO who sent weapons and gen*cidal na*ism to Ukraine, which ARE acts of aggression and war itself, deserve to die.

Please, go to to fight and die*.

* not

So sick of ignorant NPC plodding along to their .


#ukraine #forcedNews

Last updated 3 years ago

In light of , we find it fascinating how alleged journalists can wax on about being too big and a . Then they proceed to literally name the next largest cloud-service providers as being Microsoft and even Oracle!

There's a elephant is in the news room.

#amazonDown #aws #singlepointoffailure #cloudflare #forcedNews #fakenews

Last updated 3 years ago

If it were to somehow leak out that the talking heads in the are now either , AI-generated bots reading a script, or deepState/#CIA actors reading a script…

Would that actually bother anyone?

Y'know? Don't answer that.

#legacymedia #deepfake #talkingheads #ai #deepstate #forcedNews

Last updated 3 years ago

Bing and go.

There were some good commentators at the time that were saying "disproportionately affect black and brown people" or that would simply say "working class people". The quality of the reporting and commentary varies wildly. Most people are forced to consume contrived narratives.

We often refer to the phenomenon as .


Last updated 3 years ago

Whatever is going on, talking about it on the 6pm news when children could be watching is not the time?



Last updated 3 years ago

Its been a good few days now.

Can someone please tell us when a major news outlet reports on 's .

Its only a major incident of international proportions.

It can't be long now, surely.

#trump #softwareTheft #legacyNews #forcedNews #publicRelationsNews #advertisingNews #butNeverRealNews #hypocrisy #replaceTheNews #omn

Last updated 3 years ago

Reading and watching the literal memes presented as "news" in the and only gives these and cretins their .

Step one is to their .

#MurdochPress #legacymedia #lobbyists #publicrelations #power #stopConsuming #forcedNews #replaceTheNews #omn

Last updated 3 years ago