@justice_dazzle THIS is why #ForcedAdoption is coded as #genocide in many places and I sincerely wish those affected will not only escape that shit, but also force nations around the world to recognize the #TransGenocide as is happening in many states as the #crime it is and pursue all actions from granting #asylum & #residency to the affected to hard economic and political #sanctions against the #USA.
#USA #sanctions #residency #asylum #crime #transgenocide #genocide #forcedadoption
"... Flere bortadoptioner ved brug af tvang forskningsmæssigt er en "meget dårlig idé", fordi man afbryder kontakten med de biologiske forældre."
"- Det er ikke et redskab, man kan bruge bredt, for langt de fleste forældre kan - enten på fuld tid eller på nedsat tid - komme til at spille en god rolle for deres barn, uanset at de har store vanskeligheder. " #Adoption #AdopteeVoices #ForcedAdoption
#adoption #adopteevoices #forcedadoption