"In the United States, the political might of women has accelerated, with a Democratic bent, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade. The result might be a redrawn political map and new setbacks for the forced-birth MAGA movement."
~ Jennifer Rubin
#women #politics #Democrats #Dobbs #abortion #ForcedBirth #MAGA
#women #politics #democrats #dobbs #abortion #forcedbirth #maga
@persagen Perhaps it is time that Texas and Florida were kicked out of the Union? Any other #ForcedBirth States should be given the option. Back off, or face expulsion.
13-Year-Old Rape Victim Forced to Give Birth Due to Mississippi’s Abortion Ban.
#MississippiAbortionBan #RapeVictim #ForcedBirth #13YearOld #ReproductiveRights #ChildProtection #Politics #News
#mississippiabortionban #RapeVictim #forcedbirth #13yearold #reproductiverights #childprotection #politics #news
Republicans must be SO proud!
#Mississippi #ForcedBirth #GOP #Republicans #VoteBlueIfYouWantToHaveALife
She Wasn’t Able to Get an Abortion. Now She’s a Mom. Soon She’ll Start 7th Grade. https://time.com/6303701/a-rape-in-mississippi/
#voteblueifyouwanttohavealife #republicans #gop #forcedbirth #mississippi
The link between a lack of reproductive rights and domestic violence | PBS
>In the wake of the court's decision, [..] abortion restrictions have led to a significant uptick in intimate partner violence.
https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/the-link-between-a-lack-of-reproductive-rights-and-domestic-violence #abortion #forcedbirth #domesticviolence
#domesticviolence #forcedbirth #abortion
Pence would ban abortions when pregnancies aren't viable. His GOP rivals won't say if they agree | AP News
>In a recent interview, Pence went even further, saying abortion should be banned when a pregnancy isn’t viable. Such a standard would force women to carry pregnancies to term even when doctors have determined there is no chance a baby will survive outside the womb. https://apnews.com/article/mike-pence-abortion-views-2024-election-e5b236c27bc9c86f77efedbeedb26520 #forcedbirth #GOP #mikepence #republican
#republican #mikepence #gop #forcedbirth
Iowa #Republicans pass bill banning most #abortions after about 6 weeks, governor to sign Friday
>DES MOINES, #Iowa (AP) — Iowa’s Republican-led Legislature passed a bill banning most abortions after roughly six weeks of pregnancy during a marathon special session Tuesday that continued late into the night. Gov. Kim Reynolds immediately said in a statement she would sign Friday.
https://lethbridgenewsnow.com/2023/07/11/iowa-republicans-pass-bill-banning-most-abortions-after-about-6-weeks-governor-to-sign-friday/ #GOP #forcedbirth #abortionrights #abortion
#abortion #AbortionRights #forcedbirth #gop #Iowa #abortions #republicans
Republican's hold on nominations leaves Marines without confirmed leader for 1st time in 100 years - ABC News
> #Abortion is now illegal in #Alabama.
>Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala. Tuberville has stalled all nominations for senior military jobs because he disagrees with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s decision to have the Defense Department pay for travel when a service member has to go out of state to get an abortion or other #reproductivecare.
https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/republicans-hold-nominations-leaves-marines-confirmed-leader-1st-101015764 #forcedbirth #GOP
#reproductivecare #gop #forcedbirth #alabama #abortion
There is a Google doc that lists gynaecologists who will perform tubal ligation (tie tubes) without asking if you have kids/your partners permission/are married etc. as long as you're old enough to consent to surgery.
It's sorted by alphabetical order by state.
If your city isn't listed, keep checking because it's constantly being updated.
So far there are entries for USA, Canada, and Australia. Europe will hopefully soon be added.
#RoeVWade #gynaecology #ForcedBirth #RightToChoose #ReproductiveRights #BodyAutonomy #PleaseShare
#roevwade #gynaecology #forcedbirth #righttochoose #reproductiverights #bodyautonomy #pleaseshare
Activists Call for Protests of Iowa Governor’s Anti-Abortion Special Session
>Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) announced on Wednesday that due to a recent deadlock in the state Supreme Court, she will be calling legislators to a special session to further restrict abortion rights.
https://truthout.org/articles/activists-call-for-protests-of-iowa-govs-anti-abortion-special-session/ #Iowa #abortion #abortionrights #GOP #forcedbirth
#forcedbirth #gop #AbortionRights #abortion #Iowa
Not only is it sad... It's really happening.
>protect the innocence of our children and to protect the rights of parents,
https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2023/07/06/casey-mamas-desantis-moms-liberty-iowa-election/7401688657143/ #GOP #forcedbirth
Casey DeSantis launches national Mamas for #DeSantis movement in #Iowa - UPI.com
>"We are going to launch the largest mobilization of moms and grandmothes across the United States of America to protect the innocence of our children and to protect the rights of parents," Casey DeSantis said to cheers.
https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2023/07/06/casey-mamas-desantis-moms-liberty-iowa-election/7401688657143/ #GOP #forcedbirth
#forcedbirth #gop #Iowa #desantis
Where you vote matters much more than where you march.
The fate of the planet will be determined by the voters in the Swing States of the USA.
#forcedbirth #roevwade #abortion #packswingstates
On the more specific topic of forced birth, I also have this earlier (2009) piece, "I am not Pro-Slavery. Are you?"
#Politics #abortion #Ethics #Morality #ForcedBirth #Slavery #Language #TrustWomen
#politics #abortion #ethics #morality #forcedbirth #slavery #language #trustwomen
I like this insight, trying to put these individual issues into a more organized picture. I think Journalism needs to do more of this. Too much we cover each action and indignity as if it were some surprise, isolated, modular incident that is unrelated to all others. In doing so, we don't get the big picture. There is a LOT of that going on these days.
This work also resonates with an essay I wrote in 2012, "Language Defines Our Lives". It had gone offline when Salon magazine's Open Salon forum was retired, but it's available via the magic of the Internet Archive. I think you'll find it interesting and relevant.
#Language #Politics #oppression #TrustWomen #abortion #ForcedBirth #Life
#language #politics #oppression #trustwomen #abortion #forcedbirth #life
Google isn't afraid to ban whole categories of advertising: for example, Google has banned #PlanC, a nonprofit that provides information about medication abortions. The company erroneously classes Plan C as an "unauthorized pharmacy." But Google continues to offer paid disinformation on behalf of #ForcedBirth groups that claim there is such a thing as "#AbortionReversal" (there isn't - but the "abortion reversal" drug cocktail is potentially lethal).
#planc #forcedbirth #abortionreversal
Gooooood morning. Today’s #republican meltdown is brought to you by #forcedbirth and the #wesupportthetroops demagoguery. Reminding those who have the capacity to become #pregnant that your #BodyAutonomy is #fakenews. Not sure about everyone else, but my #uterus is not a #ballotbox. Here’s to another day in paradise. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/republicans-vote-against-abortions-pride-flag-veterans-facilities-1234770846/
#republican #forcedbirth #wesupportthetroops #pregnant #bodyautonomy #fakenews #uterus #ballotbox
New #abortion provider in #WesternMaryland will cut patients’ journeys from #WestVirginia, a #forcedbirth state where the procedure is banned
https://www.baltimoresun.com/health/bs-hs-abortion-health-care-center-20230606-xadiogjecbfrll7f5ipwinqoyy-story.html?lctg=60710924 #md #maryland #dmv #wva
#abortion #westernmaryland #westvirginia #forcedbirth #md #maryland #dmv #wva
#ChildLabor #GOPGreed
McCarthy on Fox News today:
We might have a child that has no job, no dependents but sitting on the couch, we’re going to encourage that person to get a job & have to go to work, which GIVES THEM WORTH & VALUE🚨.
This is why Republicans are #ForcedBirth -they need children in the labor force. Since they're anti-immigration, they must find a way to provide businesses with a cheap source of workers.
#ChildLabor #gopgreed #forcedbirth
It's no longer "they're coming for contraception next". They are coming for contraception NOW.
1) They're spreading lies that make it sound like abortion
2) They're passing laws against emergency contraception
3) They've cut off funding for EC for sexual assault survivors
And Clarence Thomas has already said SCOTUS "should reconsider" the decision that legalized contraception *for married couples*.
They're coming for it. Now.
https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/04/birth-control-is-next-republicans-abortion.html #contraception #BirthControl #ForcedBirth
#contraception #birthcontrol #forcedbirth