A nice list of current Republican #GOPExtremism (#ForcedPregnancy, #ChildLabor, #EndingMedicaid, #EasyAccessToGuns, etc): #TRMS https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/carlson-crisis-threatens-right-wing-media-ability-to-carry-feckless-republican-party-171235909522
#gopextremism #forcedpregnancy #childlabor #endingmedicaid #easyaccesstoguns #trms
As @WagnerTonight looks at #CreepingAuthoritarianism by Republican state legislatures across the U.S., think about all the examples she DOESN'T mention: the #ForcedPregnancy laws, and making guns as ubiquitous as oxygen. #RedHatsAndBrownShirts
#creepingauthoritarianism #forcedpregnancy #redhatsandbrownshirts
It's time for everyone in red states to start filing civil rights complaints against the US. Numerous states have passed laws that directly violate the UN Declaration of Human Rights, including provisions against #ForcedPregnancy #Slavery and Religious Coercion.
It's clear that any supposed "domestic remedies" (ie waiting until the next election and hoping white nationalist christo fascists get voted out) would in fact be "ineffective or unreasonably prolonged" for people who are pregnant now or in lgbtq treatment regimes now, or are in a state where christian beliefs are being legislated in violation of everyone's constitutional right to be free of religious oppression.
If you have been affected, or work for an organization helping those affected, file here:
#WomensRights #LGBTQRights #CivilRights #SocialJustice #ChristoFascist #WhiteNationalist #FreedomFromReligion #Abortion #GunViolence #LGBTQ
#forcedpregnancy #slavery #womensrights #lgbtqrights #civilrights #socialjustice #christofascist #whitenationalist #freedomfromreligion #abortion #gunviolence #lgbtq
This article is a year old, still highly relevant.
#GenderEquality #EqualRights #ReproductiveRights #Women #TransRights #WomensRights #LGBTQRights #criminalization #democracy #Abortion #HealthCare #ForcedPregnancy #DomesticViolence #SexualViolence #MAGA #FarRight
#GenderEquality #equalrights #reproductiverights #women #transrights #WomensRights #lgbtqrights #criminalization #democracy #abortion #healthcare #forcedpregnancy #domesticviolence #sexualviolence #maga #farright
It's obvious from the state laws #republicans are passing, what they really want for #children is a #forcedbirth, uneducated, low-wage #slave #workforce to counteract educated people who now demand a living wage.
#forcedpregnancy #childabuse #childlabor #prolife #reproductiverights
#Capitalism #CapitalismKills #capitalismisascam #CapitalismIsACult #NoMoreBillionaires #TaxTheRich #exploitation #supportunions #workersrights #livingwage
#republicans #children #forcedbirth #slave #workforce #forcedpregnancy #childabuse #childlabor #prolife #reproductiverights #capitalism #capitalismkills #capitalismisascam #capitalismisacult #nomorebillionaires #TaxTheRich #exploitation #Supportunions #workersrights #LivingWage
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/13/federal-judge-limits-information-medication-abortion-lawsuit?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other In a decision that will affect the 40M women, coward Matthew Kacsmaryk, a US district court judge in Amarillo appointed by Donald #TraitorTrump in 2019, ordered the hearing kept out of the court docket as a way to try to limit disruptions and protests, and also asked that lawyers arguing the case not to disclose information. #Mifepristone #AbortionIsHealthcare #AbortionRights #ForcedPregnancy #ReproductiveFreedom #roevwade #GOPtaliban
#TraitorTrump #mifepristone #AbortionIsHealthcare #abortionrights #forcedpregnancy #reproductivefreedom #roevwade #goptaliban
Nathan, you wrote "Every minute you spend managing promotional efforts is a minute you don't have to write and publish the next book."
This is how I end up being a strong advocate of Universal Basic Income (UBI). It saddens me that so many see it as a mere safety net, though it is that. That unfortunately leads to a tired and stingy discussion of people as dead--weights looking for a handout.
But I come at this from the other side: why society should want to PAY such a thing. It's taken as a given people want to receive it.
Almost every writer I know must work a day job. Even the good ones spend time on promotional tours. And they die having written fewer books. Same fot musicians, artists, etc. So the world is poorer for lack of their unique creativity.
Meanwhile, and importantly, if they work a day job or travel a lot, those make-work activities we require so they may be fed almost surely consume unnecessary resources that fight sustainability. See my essay Corny Economics (http://netsettlement.blogspot.com/2012/05/corny-economics.html) for a more entertaining pitch on that.
People often take jobs that are not just grungy and soul-deadening but sociopathic if they have to eat. Many jobs that are worst for society, that require breaches of ethics, morality or even law are sustained by nice people feeling they have no choice but to do them and get paid so family can eat. UBI would fight the need for that.
In an increasingly automated world, we as society should want people freed to do the things that bring them joy, which are probably things that bring us joy. Imagine the productivity that would unlock.
Some might just stay home and take care of friends and family. Society is not poorer for that.
But even if many chose to be "couch potatoes" because they didn't have anything to offer family and society, society can better sustain the cost of a couch and a gaming system for them than it can sustain the cost of their daily commute to a pointless job that consumes resources to make things no one really needs.
Everything points to UBI as the way forward for society, and NOT because of what individuals need as handouts but what society could get if it treated people as potential sources of beauty instead of expendable rags to be ground under foot if they don't do something superhuman to prove they have value at all.
We have a society based on the worst cynicism about people but we could do better.
It's true, we have too many people. But that is true under any system. Minimizing per person resources by not making people do things neither they nor society needs can help some in the short term. It can also help to make it clear that forced pregnancy is never acceptable. But long run we have to have a societal dialog about family planning and curbing population. There's just no way out of that.
#UBI #economics #society #business
#art #music #writing #WritingCommunity
#food #income #SafetyNets #politics
#climate #environment #sustainability
#inequality #ForcedPregnancy #population #FamilyPlanning
#ubi #economics #society #business #art #Music #writing #WritingCommunity #food #income #safetynets #politics #climate #environment #sustainability #inequality #forcedpregnancy #population #familyPlanning
If youβre going to impose forced pregnancy on children, why not add the prospect of forced marriage on children too? Seems like some in #Wyoming have come up with a plan. #childmarriage #forcedpregnancy
#wyoming #childmarriage #forcedpregnancy
Signed up to stop #ForcedPregnancy with the #ACLU. You can too: https://go.peoplepower.org/event/action/
RT @Dawnbtyree
You don't get to judge me for being a #teenmom. As a matter of fact, if you're going to ban abortions, you don't get to judge anyone. We get to judge you. Yours truly, recovering #childbride
#Forcedpregnancy #ForcedBirth #ForcedMarriage #reproductiverights
#teenmom #childbride #forcedpregnancy #forcedbirth #forcedmarriage #reproductiverights