Day 5 of Figuary2023 featuring @ralph_cudworth. I’m more familiar with drawing women but I think this drawing turned out decent.
#FigureDrawing #LifeModel #FigurativeArt #FigureSketching #DigitalDrawing #MaleFigure #MaleFigureDrawing #GestureDrawing #ForceDrawing #DailySketch
#dailysketch #forcedrawing #gesturedrawing #malefiguredrawing #malefigure #digitaldrawing #figuresketching #figurativeart #lifemodel #figuredrawing
Day 4 of Figuary2023.
It was clear to see that Angela @angell77la is well accustomed to holding a pose.
#LifeModel #FigureDrawing #FigurativeArt #FigureSketching #DigitalDrawing #GestureDrawing #FemaleFigure #FemaleFigureDrawing #ForceDrawing #DailySketch
#dailysketch #forcedrawing #femalefiguredrawing #femalefigure #gesturedrawing #digitaldrawing #figuresketching #figurativeart #figuredrawing #lifemodel
Day 3 of #figuary2023 by #croquiscafe modeled by the lovely @ anaispomeline
#FigureDrawing #LifeModel #FigurativeArt #FigureSketching #DigitalDrawing #FemaleFigure #FemaleFigureDrawing #GestureDrawing #Figuary #FiguaryDay3 #ForceDrawing
#forcedrawing #figuaryday3 #figuary #gesturedrawing #femalefiguredrawing #femalefigure #digitaldrawing #figuresketching #figurativeart #lifemodel #figuredrawing #croquiscafe #figuary2023
Here is another figure study using modified Gibson style contour lines. I will be moving on to a new style soon that I am more excited about.
I have included a bit of my process to show that it doesn’t all start with the finished drawing :)
#dailysketch #figuredrawing #forcedrawing
Another figure study using modified Gibson style contour sculpting.
I included some of my process - is that something people like to see? Or do you prefer to only see the finished sketch?
#lowperspective #forcedrawing #dailysketch #figuredrawing
Another contour figure drawing, slightly modifying Gibson style contour marks
#forcedrawing #ContourDrawing #figuredrawing #dailysketch
Back to more figure drawing practice.
#forcedrawing #femalewarriorart #figuredrawing