After decades of human rights struggles, one more European eugenics law has at last been struck down,.
One less country is imposing barbaric forced sterilisation onto people seeking official recognition of their correct gender.
Well done to all those inside and outside Finland who maintained the pressure that made this happen, pressure that should never have been required in the first place: #HumanRights #TransRights #Finland #Eugenics #ForcedSterilisation
#humanrights #transrights #finland #eugenics #forcedsterilisation
Helluva longshot, I know, but if this is shared far and wide, maybe even one more victim can be found:
California looking for hundreds of sterilization victims to pay them reparations
#california #sterilization #sterilisation #forcedsterilization #forcedsterilizations #forcedsterilisation #forcedsterilisations #reparations
#california #Sterilization #sterilisation #forcedsterilization #forcedsterilizations #forcedsterilisation #forcedsterilisations #reparations
“Ossoff to present findings of investigation into abuse, unnecessary gynecological procedures at Georgia ICE facility.”
#shame #georgiaice #immigranthate #forcedsterilisation
“A congressional investigation into medical abuse allegations that garnered national attention in 2020 found that some immigrant women held by U.S. immigration officials at a Georgia detention center likely underwent "unnecessary" invasive gynecological procedures, according to a report released Tuesday.”