Please say a prayer for my 12day old grandchild in hospital with pneumonia and RSV like so many other babies. It didn’t need to be this way! #FordFailedKids
Santa Clause parade in TO thousands of kids will be on top of each other, trying to see Santa! coughing and sneezing. Not one mask in sight.
#pediatrichealthcarecrisis #COVIDisAirborne #santaclausparadeto #maskmandatesnow #BringBackMasks #fordfailedkids
It's grim to think that the only way we can keep our kids out of the hospital is if an education union goes on strike.
#onted #onpol #FordFailedKids
It's grim to think that the only way we can keep our kids out of the hospital is if an education union goes on strike.
#onted #onpol #FordFailedKids