….but sure let’s build highways and cut critical healthcare #FordMustGo https://youtu.be/9c1-emp-JMA
#FordServesGreed is worst Premier ON has ever seen! Destroying: Democracy, unions, Education, Healthcare, LTC all to his BFFs, #OnLandBarons #4Profits #BigCorps. Why? Cheap Labour benefits Overlords hugely! We starve, they thrive! We dumb down, too tired to challenge their BS! Ford whines that 'he didnt want to do it" in revoking NWSTNDG law, indicating he is being controlled by them in all areas that concern ON welfare! Is he Premier or deFacto Premier only! #FordMustGo
#fordservesgreed #onlandbarons #4profits #bigcorps #fordmustgo
RT @LadyLecce@twitter.com
#FORDmustRESIGN as he builds highways and sells the green belt to his buddies for bare minimal costs. We all understand how cheaply the land was purchased under it’s “green belt protected, undevelopable” status? The change in land usage will make them millions alone. #FordMustGo https://twitter.com/pressprogress/status/1595202562449350656
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LadyLecce/status/1595435394606276609
RT @LadyLecce@twitter.com
#FordMustGo #FORDmustRESIGN #FordFailedOntario https://twitter.com/cheridinovo/status/1595399982630182915
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LadyLecce/status/1595435965966860288
#fordmustgo #fordmustresign #fordfailedontario
@SteveM2020 he is a coward and a bully! He should be made to testify. He gets away with murder and people and journalists let him. He is never held accountable for anything!
#fordfailedontario #fordmustgo
@mangat Yep. But Trudeau had no problem getting up and testifying. He has nothing to hide.
And this is why Ford is MIA so much of the time - everything that he touches makes the cons look worse and worse.