Future #Fords Could Repossess Themselves, Drive Away If You Miss Payments - Slashdot https://tech.slashdot.org/story/23/02/27/2224200/future-fords-could-repossess-themselves-drive-away-if-you-miss-payments
Harrison Ford’s original Han Solo blaster ‘to fetch $500,000 at auction’ | Star Wars | The Guardian #harrison #fords #original #blaster #fetch #$500000 #auction #star #wars #guardian #12agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL2ZpbG0vMjAyMi9hdWcvMTIvaGFycmlzb24tZm9yZHMtb3JpZ2luYWwtaGFuLXNvbG8tYmxhc3Rlci10by1mZXRjaC01MDAwMDAtYXQtYXVjdGlvbg==
#12agosto #guardian #wars #star #auction #fetch #blaster #original #fords #harrison
Low-key irritant: cheese curds are rubbery-textured, cheddar-esque lumps of cheese that squeak when you bite into them. Delicious.
They are not the midwest monstrosity that are essentially little, fat, fried cheese sticks.