Movie Review
🎬 — Ford Vs. Ferrari
What a movie! Packed with emotion from start to finish. Directing from James Mangold is awsome. The acting from Christian Bale is simply perfect: funny, authentic, british… and Matt Damon is just as good in his role of Shelby that he incarnated rather well. While Enzo Ferrari seems a bit empty as a character, the audience is given many characters to enjoy or hate.
🍿 — 8/10 (-2 because of XXX XXX NO SPOILERS HERE)
🎉🎊 #HappyBirthday to the #legend #ChristianBale❤️
🎥 #Films: #ThePrestige, #TheDarkKnightTrilogy, #FordvsFerrari, #AmericanPsycho,#AmericanHustle, #TheBigShort, #TheMachinist, #TheFighter
#happybirthday #legend #christianbale #recommended #films #theprestige #thedarkknighttrilogy #fordvsferrari #americanpsycho #americanhustle #thebigshort #themachinist #thefighter
Hace unos días agregaron #FordvsFerrari a Star+. Si no la ha visto por favor véanla (ojalá con audífonos conectados a la tv), que pedazo de película.